The Wedding Epilogue

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Not long after, the prince asked the village girl to marry him, and of course, she said yes. Their wedding was the happiest occasion that the country villagers had ever seen, and all were invited. Well, except, Thor, of course. The brash captain, having survived the fall, was charged with attempting to assassinate a member of royalty. He was given the option of serving 50 years in prison, or banishment, with complete stripping of military title. His father having disowned him, he chose banishment, and disappeared to the icy regions of Northeastern Europe. Tara's adoptive father, Dr. Erskine, opened up a chain of hospitals which provided free care to orphans and children of poor families. Glysmere, inspired by the love story, became an artist and poet, traveling across Europe. Herre Tekappe, having caught the bridal bouquet, was proposed to by Hemsworth, and together they eloped in Paris, and decided to retire there. And Loki and Tara, well, you can already guess the rest: they lived happily ever after!

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