Gray smiled at Meredy as they walk into the dining. "A year and a half."

"Oh, he's so young." Amusement is evident on his niece face. He chuckled.

"You're young, too. You're just 10." Gray said.

"Can she call me Auntie Meredy?" Meredy asked.

Gray's brows furrowed. He chuckled. Ultear also looked at Meredy. Then, Ultear interrupts. "Why would you want him to call you Auntie? You're cousins."

"Because I'm older than him." Meredy said. They had to chuckle with her answer. Weird kid. Gray thought. "Please, please, please, Gray. Let him call me Auntie." She pleaded with her hands pressed together.

Gray can't resist her cute charms. And he thought that years later his son would be like this, though not act like Meredy. He chuckled and patted her head. "Okay, whatever Meredy wants."

It was a pleasant lunch. With all the food that Juvia had cooked, of course it would be a pleasant one. While, having lunch, Gray explained to them the situation they had. Gray didn't tell the other details like how he had yelled at Juvia because for sure all of them will hit his head. Juvia nervously apologized to them. Ur is a very understanding woman. She had soft spots for Juvia since she liked that girl for her son. And she admired Juvia for being a single mom to Xander. Xander blends in really well, too. His cousin Meredy has been teaching him to call her, Auntie. Lyon, on the other hand, teases Gray by flirting with Juvia. Gray would really become irritated with him that he wanted to smack his face. Juvia took Lyon's words as a joke. Hopefully, it is really a joke.

 After the lunch, Ur had stayed with them for a while. Meredy played with Xander on the backyard. Lyon and Gray are playing PS3 on the living room. And the girls were on the kitchen, taking their cup of tea.

"So was being pregnant the reason that you broke up with Gray?" Ur asked Juvia. Juvia was unguarded when asked but she had expected this question.

She looked down at her cup as they sat on the high chair. She nodded. "Yes."

"Did my brother just say that he didn't want to have kids with you?" Ultear asked. "'Cause I'll probably punch him for you."

Juvia shook her head. "No. No. I didn't tell him I was pregnant." They nodded. They knew that earlier while having lunch. "I don't really know what I was doing before. I got scared and terrified of rejections from him again. At that time, I don't know if he's going to accept our son. That he will be having a baby right after he just started getting a career. I'm sorry."

They knew very well how Gray and Juvia's relationship have gone through. Gray isn't that vocal with what's going on to his life so Ur and Ultear had no clue with his life. On the other hand, Lyon is vocal with them and that's where they knew about Juvia's chase for Gray and how Lyon chase Juvia, too.

Ur put a hand on Juvia. Juvia looked up at her with understanding. She sighed in relief. "I understand you, Juvia. Whatever is going on to your head that time, I know that must have been hard for you." Juvia looked at Ultear. Ultear smiled at her. "I understand what it is to be a single mom. But I don't ever want to happen that to anyone else, especially you. It's hard that you're all alone on the whole pregnancy. And also giving birth."

"Thank you for understanding me." Juvia said. It almost made her cry.

Ur laughed. "Of course, families understand each other."

"So what's your next plan? Xander's not carrying Gray's surname right?" Ultear asked.

Juvia nodded. Gray has been considering the wedding. He said it before. And Juvia is glad to hear that from him. He's not pressuring Juvia on things.

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