chapter 53

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- Call Carlton to the greenhouse.  And tea, please."

"Yes, mistress."

After saying this to the passing maid, Luna moved into the glass greenhouse.  Rosemary, Antares, and Royer naturally followed her, so Luna turned around and told them she would go alone.

"Won't it be scarier for him if we all go together?"

- Everything will be good.  I recently became the owner of this mansion, but I can handle it alone."

Perhaps out of excitement, Rosemary took Luna's hand and said she would go with her.  Antares and Royer were also serious.

"You need a witness, so I will accompany you."

"You may need legal advice, so I'll go with you too."

They stood their ground and decided that everyone would go with her, so Luna shook her head and let go of Rosemary's hand.

- Everything is fine.  I don't want to create problems in my house."

It seemed like a problem that could only be solved by talking peacefully, so Luna wanted to solve it herself.  She herself was to blame for the fact that she left the mansion without the necessary attention under the pretext of her employment.

After a while, Luna entered the glass greenhouse, followed by all the others, like Rosemary and others magnetized.

- What's the matter?"

"Why are they following me?"

"I'm going to see the glass greenhouse, I'm very curious." Antares answered shamelessly.

- I, too.  I like to contemplate beautiful flowers," continued Rosemary.

"And I will keep an eye on Mr. Antares."

- ... "

The moon touched her forehead, this situation was getting harder than she thought.

"Alright then, come in only after I've talked to the butler myself."  I really want to just talk quietly."

Luckily for Luna, the members of the marquis family listened to her request and did not follow her.

After waiting for some time in the greenhouse, after a while the butler Carlton and the maid appeared, having prepared a set of snacks.

"I heard you called me."

- Yes.  Sit down."

The butler sat down opposite the moon.  Meanwhile, the maid brought tea and placed it in front of Luna and the butler.

"I heard that the worker who was in charge of the front door left work today."

- You're talking about Hunter.  Yes.  He left work."

The butler replied very calmly, so Luna drank some tea to calm her nerves a bit.

- Since when did you start hiring workers who don't live in the mansion?  As far as I remember, at the time of the purchase of the mansion, this was not the case.

- I gave him permission.  He told me that his parents were sick, so I figured it would be best for him to spend more time with them and commute to work."

"Why did you do this without consulting me?"

Only then did the butler understand why Luna had called him.  He took a small breath.

"I did it because it's my job to take care of the staff."

The butler thought that Luna would take pity on the servant and their conversation would end.  But Luna reacted in a completely different way, as if she had heard an annoying answer.

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