On cue, the team began their break, And Farreha walked over to the two. "Hey Lucio, taking a break from the track?" She asked, before taking a long drink from her water bottle. "Yeah, gotta go back in a bit. This is the last session until spring." He replied. Fareeha nodded in agreement "Same here, sucks to stop, but it gives me more time to work" She said taking a sit on the bleachers". Lucio looked at his phone before hopping off the bleachers "I gotta head back, See you guys later!" He exclaimed before skating his way back.

November 18 Friday morning

Not only did Genji feel incredibly creepy, but he felt as if one wrong word would get him banned from the Lindholm household. The neighborhood was your run-of-the-mill suburban neighborhood, there were even a few kids playing on their lawns, soaking up their time before school started. Genji felt slightly jealous, instead of playgrounds and middle school fun, he got stuck with early day training and personal studies with his father. Genji snapped back into reality, He had already told Ana he would be walking to school, and with this detour, he knew he was probably going to be late. With a deep breath, he walked up the steps and knocked on the door. A few seconds later the door flew open and Torbjorn appeared, Genji was surprised to see that instead of confusion he was greeted with a large smile "Genji! Lad, what are you doing here so early?" He exclaimed "Come on in breakfast is almost ready." Genji hesitantly walked in observing the household. It was a two-story home, the walls were filled with family photos from all different times of their life, some of the family events, a few with Brigitte with Reinhardt, and there were even a few baby pictures of Brigitte. One of them popped out to Genji in particular. it was a photo of Brigitte and Genji from their middle school play. "Woah I remember this." Genji commented, Seeing himself so young was quite odd, His father wasn't really one to take photos. Torbjorn smiled "Ah I remember those days" Torbjorn replied "You were quite the trouble maker" He laughed. Genji laughed along with him.

Following Mr.Lindholm into their kitchen, Torbjorn's Wife was plating the breakfast she had just completed. She looked up and flashed a smile "Genji! It's been forever!" She said sweetly. "Yeah, sorry for the odd timing Mrs.Ingrid," He said with a chuckle, "Not at all! I'm just glad we get to see you again!". She began to place plates on the table "Sit down ill make you a plate!" She said. "Oh no I couldn't" Genji began before a tough but friendly smack to his back came from Torbjorn "Don't be like that! Now sit down before I make you Lad!" Genji chuckled and sat down at one of the chairs. "So what brings you here at this hour?" Ingrid asked while she sat a plate of eggs, bacon, sausage, and fruit in front of him, "Well I was pretty nervous about the play today and i wanted to talk to Brigitte about it," Genji said, taking a few bites out of his food. This was a major lie, he just wanted to know if Brigitte was still cool with him. "Oh if that's the case" Trobjorn began "Brigitte! Genjis here to see you!" Tornjorn called. There were a few moments of silence before Brigitte yelled back "OK! I'll be down in a second!". The three of them continued to eat, after a few minutes Brigitte came down the stairs wearing a tank top and shorts, her hair wet from a shower. As soon as they looked at each other, Genji could tell that Brigitte wanted to say something. "Hey Genji! Odd timing but it's always good to see you!" She said, taking a seat and eating her meal. The four talked for a while before Ingrid looked at the clock "Oh it's about time you guys head out" She said collecting the empty plates, "Genji you want a ride there?" Brigitte asked. "Oh, um are you sure?" he asked. She nodded and got up, "Wait outside, I gotta put on my gear," She said. Genji got up, thanking Ingrid for the meal and saying goodbye to Torbjorn.

After a few minutes of waiting on the porch, Brigitte popped out, wearing some good quality biking gear, made from a thick material clearly made to withstand a fall off. She held out one of two helmets she was carrying, "Come on let's head out". Genji put on the helmet and hopped on behind Brigitte. Brigitte hit the road, going down the road towards the school until she made a turn towards the outskirts of town. Genji yelled "Hey where are we going?" But the wind made it too hard for her to hear. Soon they arrived at Brigitte's workshop, The two hopped off and Brigitte walked him inside. When Genji got inside on the table were various armor pieces, clearly made from the same material as Genji's new body. Genji walked up and inspected the pieces, "I took a few guesses with measurements, The costume department helped with the chest and waist pieces." Brigitte said. Genji picked up a handguard, it was sturdy and clearly stronger than the pieces of his body. "I don't know what to say," Genji said, admitting the craftsmanship. Brigitte crossed her arms "Well, I need you to promise me something" She said, Genji placed down the piece "Shoot". "I need you to play it safe, don't bite off more than you can chew," She said "And don't make an empty promise, I want you to mean it", Genji looked her in the eye and nodded "I promise you, I'll be careful," Genji said. Brigitte cracked a smile "Good if something happens, I put an emergency button in the left handguard.". Genji examined the button, a little out of the way from his hand to prevent the buttons from being accidentally pressed. "Now, we gotta book it" Brigitte said, grabbing her helmet, School starts in Ten".

Overwatch High A.UOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora