" What are you??? A kid???" Dahyun pick herself up anyway.

" I can't believe I'm playing Rock Paper Scissors at freaking 2am" seulgi mumbled.

" Aren't you guys gonna play?? I'm starting to feel sleepy now" Jisoo yawn.

Three of them turn their head to Jisoo in excitement.

" Should we just go sleep then??"

Jisoo shaking her head while yawning.

" Nah nah. Now play. Hurry"

" That asshole" Lisa say under her breathe.

" Okay let's go. Live or die" she shout.

< Rock Paper Scissors, shoot. > They shouts.

Dahyun play Paper.

Seulgi also pull out Paper.

Meanwhile lisa throw out a Rock.

" S..Shiballll" Lisa swore and look at her fist.

" Bye"

" Fighting bud"

Seulgi mess Lisa's hair while Dahyun tapped her shoulder. And they both walk back into their respective rooms, Leaving Jisoo who has an evil smile on her face and dragged lisa into her room.


" And what did she do to you in the room?? She is not raping you right??" Chaeyoung ask.

" Hell Nooo!!!" Lisa shiver just at the thought.

" She talk about Jennie all night and even forced my eyes open by using her hands." Lisa pouts.

" Aigoo!!! Poor my baby!!!" Chaeyoung cooed.

Everyone inside the room is stunned and look at the couple. Lisa and chaeyoung who forget that they are with their friends, give each other an apologies look.

" WHAT???" Lisa shouts and blinks her eyes.

Making all of them jolt back in startled.

" What's wrong with us dating??? It's not a crime to fall in love" She said.

Chaeyoung tugs on Lisa shirt when she saw a ridiculous look on their friends face.

" They didn't say anything yet lisa ahh" chaeyoung whisper.

" Y.. yeah I know.. I just wanted to say it." Lisa stutter.

" Be honest Lalisa" Jisoo start talking.

Lisa straighten up her posture to meet with jisoo's eyes.

" You.."

" M..mwooo??" Lisa raise her chin up and take a few steps back.

Jisoo narrow her eyes as she walk closer to a younger girl.

" You... you just want to say that line from the world of married drama right???" Jisoo jump in excited.

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