Betrayal and Split

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Nora:<narrating> I want you to think about the one you keep from the people that you love or even from yourself. I want you to imagine what would happen if that secret got out. Remember when you asked me that? I've been using all of your training. Studying my pulse, managing micro-expressions, limiting non-congruent gestures, destroying any piece of evidence. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. And not just because of the risks. But because the closer I get to my parents, the more I feel like I'm hurting them. I can imagine how they will feel because I've experienced already. Data entry complete, Gideon.

Wade was sitting on the same roof he uses to overlook STAR Labs, he look at his gauntlet as he knows Nora wants nothing to do with him so he decided to block and delete her number, erase their chats, and he was going to delete the pictures but decided to keep them. Why? Guess he wanted to keep some memory of their time together.

He looked into STAR Labs security feed and saw that they were going to use a memory machine to get into Grace's mind and wake her up. When Sherloque suggested for the speedsters to go inside, Nora got nervous as a side effect of using the machine is that you can see into memories of the ones going in.

Later that night, Nora went to the machine and activated Gideon.

Nora: okay, Gideon, how do I hack this thing so that Dad won't see my memories?

Wade: thank you, Gideon, that will be all.

Gideon shut off as Nora looked at Wade with hatred on her eyes.

Nora: what are you doing here?

Wade: you know even if you try to hack that thing, your father will still be able to see your memories. Have you looked at it? This isn't something you hack like a computer.

Nora: answer my question.

Wade: just came here to talk. <sits on the bed>

Nora: there's nothing to talk about. You got discovered before you could ruin my life.

Wade: is that really what you think I'm trying to do? I'm not Thawne.

Nora: so all this killing-

Wade: I only kill Time Travelers that tried to go into the past. All those other deaths were just so I can throw the cops, heroes, and detectives off my back. Yourself included. I didn't get close to you so I can kill you, I got close to you because I truly do love you.

Nora: bullshit.

Wade: you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Nora: is this a joke to you?

Wade: it's not. I came here to explain things to you so that you can understand why I lied. Also how you tell your own girlfriend, who is a Hero, that you're a Serial Killer?

Nora:<doesn't say anything>

Wade: see? I didn't become Red Death by choice. I was a Speedster with Blue Lightning.

Nora: you were dying.

Wade: yes. Yes I was. After losing everything, I wanted to die already. I ran and ran and ran. Then one day, a Speedster in black was chasing after me. Eyes as empty as the void. A growl never heard before. Red lightning. I tried to escape the creature but he was faster. Then I drove my hand straight through its chest, I thought I won but some weird energy entered my body. The Negative Speed Force, then the Speed Force entered my body to counter it and I was a perfect balance of both.

Nora: if you didn't accept this power?

Wade: I couldn't even rejected, I was turned into a slave of the Speed Force but I saw the benefit of it. My choices saved lives of others. Your father will understand that.

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