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''Hehehehehe prepare to lose your first kiss Sausegay!"

''Its not gonna happen''

Sasuke mumbled looking away from the female wearing the boar mask. His frustrated no matter how many times he tried to catch you off guard just to see your face never works.

Right now you sat above him while messing with his hair, putting some flowers and a flower crown. A while ago he made a bet with you that he'll lose his first kiss.

The male blush at this before going back to his old 'hn' persona. Naruto entered the classroom, boasting to Shikamaru as he showed of his regulation headband.

It didn't take long for the two girls, Ino and Sakura to appear after the noise of what seemed like a stampede happening. Arguing at who was first to finish Sakura teared her gaze away from Ino.

She lit up as soon as she saw Sasuke, Naruto didn't blush. He just greeted her, and you know that this was slightly your fault.


Sakura said as she pushed the blonde to the floor not caring, you heared a small growl from Naruto. That is definitely your fault but meeh.

''H-hello Sasuke-kun may I sit here?"

Sakura as she put a hand on her chest acting cutely for Sasuke who ignored her and just close his eyes. Enjoying how your hands do wonder to his hair, Sakura growled at this.

Okay everyone is showing aggresion today, is everyone on a period?

''Back off bill board brow! I'm sitting next to Sasuke''

Ino exclaimed as she pushed the fuming pinkette aside, Sakura fought back. Soon more and more fangirls joined the chat, the Uchiha shook his head in disappointment and dismay.

Naruto in a blink is in a crouch and in front of Sasuke.  While Naruto is having his monolgue you readied the camera paying no mind to the hokage and jonins watching your every move.



''So hello guys this Y/N and I would like to show you something''

You said in a whisper as you faced the camera, your under the desk as you made an introduction, not showing your face. You plan on uploading the video to tiktok and you tube.

You made a clone  giggling a bit, you handed the clone the phone as your clone disappeared or turned invinsible along with your phone.

You crawl out of the desk as you sat on your seat, hands clasped together in an evil manner. The noise of the fangirls were getting louder till it happened.

''Really cool-oops sorry?"

Naruto and Sasuke are lip locking as you cackled like how Inosuke does while pointing at Sasuke who pulled away holding his neck gagging.


You said as you made grabby hands towards the ravenette, the male sighed in defeat hoping it was you. You snatch the wad of cash as a flowery background appear as you count the money.

''Better luck next time duckbutt!"

You laughed as you pulled Naruto towards you keeping Sakura from plummeling Naruto. Your clone stopped recording as your phone appeared on your desk then Iruka came in blushing a bit before regaining his compusure.

You pay no mind to Iruka as you edited the video and aploaded it on tiktok. Your face as Inosuke, and the description of you as female Inosuke.

''Team7 Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno''

Crackhead In Naruto (Naruto various x Inosuke!Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें