Chapter Sixty-Six: One Month Later, Sunny, Friday

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"Still, though, if anything on your street makes you nervous, don't hesitate to call the police, or us for that matter," Sunny said. "And there's always retired Detective Rhodes making his rounds around the neighbourhood."

Rhodes had come under a lot of scrutiny in the month following the incident. The media had descended on the scene after the police had, and they'd focused almost immediately on the retired cop who'd stopped two masked gunmen, who'd already killed one man, with his old service revolver and saved none other than Sergeant Joanie Mara, spokesperson for the Langley RCMP detachment and now a media darling. The two faces captioned in the news stories made for a good contrast, something out of a movie.

Agnes chuckled. "Yes. He and I have had a chat already. He wasn't charged with anything because the police determined his shot was clean; he was facing two men with guns, and he didn't shoot the other one when he was down but kept his gun on him until the police arrived to make arrests. No one could accuse him of using excessive force, but they did confiscate his gun. I don't know if he'll get it back. Did Lauren get her sword back?"

"Yes, but not in time for Naomi to show it at her school presentation. It's back in the office under lock and key." He cleared his throat and said, "So, Champlain Heights branch. I don't think I've ever been to that one."

"It's cute. Small, much smaller than any library I've worked at before, but it's cozy for all that. I'll really get to know the kids in my programs."

"It must be far from Central," he said, venturing carefully into troubled waters. "No more lunches with Al, I suppose."

She shrugged as she poured them tea. "Getting full-time work is more important to me than getting to see Al regularly. I have to think about my family now. Mooning over him isn't productive, so it's probably best this way."

Sunny felt sorry for her, but inwardly he sighed in relief. "Maybe you'll meet someone new in your new place of work," he suggested.

"Maybe. I'm really not thinking about dating right now. My social life will consist of people I meet at work, my family, and you guys."


"And I'll have my evenings free again, and every Sunday and every other Saturday. I can actually make plans now."


"So, are you guys doing anything this weekend?"

"Well, Joe and Lauren are busy Saturday; apparently it's Lauren's birthday and they're doing something just the two of them. They need to, their marriage has been rocky since last August."

Agnes' eyes widened. "Oh. I think I know why."

"You do?" he asked, surprised.

"Yeah, Al told me. I don't know how they've all been able to live together for seven months."

"To be fair, Joe wasn't there for a few of them, he was nursing Joanie back to health at her house following her gunshot injuries in August, I don't know if they told you about that."

"I knew Joanie rescued Logan, but not that Joe was living with her. Holy shit, your friends aren't exactly into monogamy."

Sunny thought back to his own adultery and didn't comment on that. Instead, he said, "It wasn't always that way."

"What about Al and Rachel? Do you know if they're free?"

"They're busy too, apparently, though they didn't say what they were doing. I don't like to pry. It's not as if I don't have a million things to do, with work and now as Councillor."

"Oh, how's that going, by the way?"

"It's... interesting." He was being charitable. It was going to be a long four years. "Anyway, there's always Sunday."

Hidden in the Blood: A Novel of the Terribly Acronymed Detective Club (Book 5)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat