what the never see🥀

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Summary:the smp never see the truth about him and give him a harsher punishment after he killed tommy
Dream pov
I was sitting in cell alone like usual no potatoes until next week what a bummer I don't eat whatever they think what affects me doesn't I heard the lava go down but quackity has done his visit I look up to see the smp I look back down picking up a rotten potato I realized how bad it is to eat them so I eat 'em I was about bite it till it was knocked out of my hand I look up to see sam "dream get up" he says but I smile at him "dream speak "I'm dream now not then" I say closing my eyes and it all went black

Author🍄 pov
They were confused but soon they realized a little to late that he died but they never knew what I'm dream now not the what do you think?

Sorry it's short I had no ideas though I'm also a little sick

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