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Lisa and Sugar can't live without each other once they will fight over little things and then they can't live without each other

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Lisa and Sugar can't live without each other once they will fight over little things and then they can't live without each other. Sugar mentioned in an interview that she came back from Paris just because she was missing Lisa so badly.

They hug a lot, like a lot. Lisa also teaches Sugar Thai sometimes and Sugar teaches French to Lisa sometimes.

Sugar+Jennie= SuJen

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Sugar+Jennie= SuJen

If LiRa is called the sweetest ship then SuJen is called the ship with most dangerous attitude

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If LiRa is called the sweetest ship then SuJen is called the ship with most dangerous attitude. Jennie adores Sugar for her fashion sense and killing personality. Jennie also said that she would date Sugar if she was a girl because of her charm.

Both the girls love taking pictures together. Most of the pictures in there feed have them together.

Kira+Rosé= Kosé

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Kira+Rosé= Kosé

Rosé and Sugar are called soul sisters

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Rosé and Sugar are called soul sisters. Also called female version of Vmin both can talk with eyes. Once in a Vlive they both were just staring at each other and then burst into laughter. Whenever Sugar would feel emotional she would always have Rosé's shoulder to cry on.

Rosé would always teach Sugar playing guitar but Sugar denies.

Sugar+Jisoo= SuJi

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Sugar+Jisoo= SuJi

There's always a crackhead duo in every group so here's ours

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There's always a crackhead duo in every group so here's ours. Jisoo and Sugar, these two can also be called the mood maker of the group. Always making faces and making each other laugh. Jisoo can show Sugar's funny side because usually she is having a serious face.

They both mostly come live together.

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