"What is this? I don't recognize these items?" Noella said in a concerned tone. Deep down, she knew she was going to die in here.

"You don't recognize it? Your fingerprints were all over it." His tone was condescending, almost as if he was speaking to a child. 

"I already told you I don't." She replied looking back down at the file.

"The Kremlin hates liars, Noella. This is your last chance to tell us something of value before we start to resort to other methods." God, she wanted to smack that smirk off of his face. "I would hate to get blood on your dress."

"I don't know anything this has to be a mistake!" She screamed out, noticing the way his eyes lit up at her panicked state. They would not get anything out of her easily. She knew she was better than they were at this. She did it for over three years, now all Noella could do was hope it was enough.

"You will change your tune in a day or two, enjoy your cage little bird" He left without looking back at her, a big smile clear on his face.

Three new men walked in, one of them was carried what looked like a tool box. They each had matching sadistic smirks on their faces. Well, they look nice!

"Would you like to open it?" The smaller one asked, amusement clear on his face. 

Noella carefully moved towards it, keeping her eyes on the men in the room. She fumbled with the latch; She couldn't get her hands to stop shaking. When she finally opened it, she was met with what looked like surgical equipment. Scalpels and other instruments of torture. She was positive the horror was clear on her face. 

They all started moving towards her in sync and she tried to grab a knife, but they were too quick. They pinned her against the wall as she tried to free herself. 

The last image she saw was the tears running down her face and the knife pressed into her skin. It's safe to say she woke up in a cold sweat right after that, horror fresh on her mind. 

The morning air floated into her room from the open window. Noella stood on shakey legs before she walked over and began to steady her breathing, trying not to let panic consume her again. The rest of that day kept playing on repeat in her head, they almost killed her. After, they left her in that room for over a week as she struggled to keep breathing. They were slightly gentler after that day, probably given instructions to keep her alive. Deep down she wished she had just died that day. For good.

When she could finally breathe again, she let herself think about that day. She would never forget it, and it started a long never ending cycle of torture and interrogations. Her hand reached over my shoulder to my back, rubbing on the scars she knew were there. Turns out, when you gain this supernatural healing, it doesn't get rid of your scars. Shaking her head, she started moving towards the dresser. 

In it she found clothes that were about her size, maybe a little bigger. This must be Andy's old room. She slipped into a warm sweater and some shorts. Not bothering to put shoes on. 

Tip-toeing out of her room she looked around, coast is clear. Noella made her way downstairs, doing her best to keep quiet. She didn't really want to wake up and have to explain herself. No one was down there, good. She started making a pot of coffee. It looks like someone went shopping last night after she went to bed. Once her coffee was brewed, she poured it into a thermos, and slipped out the kitchen door, looking for a place to walk.

It was still pretty early so she had some time before she needed to be back. She wandered in the dark until she spotted what looked like a pond not far from there, still within the fences of their land. Walking there made her feel like I was on my own again, it was nice. She didn't have to pretend to be okay; She wasn't, and she didn't think she would be for a while. 

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