It Seems Like a Couple Thing™

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Two weeks later

They moved in on a Friday. Transporting all of their belongings took some time because Draco flat out refused to use moving vans.

"MUGGLE DELIVERY! Are you bloody delusional, what if they break something Potter I have very important files from St. Mungos in there. Not to mention the crude state muggles transportation vehicles are." He had exclaimed appalled beyond belief.

Harry had simply rolled his eyes and finally agreed to Dracos plan of shrinking the items.

Hermione helped them by setting up the furniture and appliances. Pansy by taking Teddy for the day and Ron by baking ginger snap cookies- much to Draco and Harry's amusement, they themselves were currently clutching they're stomachs in laughter.

Ron was not laughing. "Oh shut up,  I cant very well help my hair colour now can I?"

"Hahaha it's so ironic." Harry said between gasps. "Ingredient list 1 cup flour 2 cups of Weasleys 4 large eggs bake at 180 degrees." Draco exclaimed giggling, making Harry double over again.

"Glad someone's having fun." Ron said grumbling as he stacked the cookies on a plate and set it one the new table.

"The cookies are only for people who are not currently laughing they're arses off at a simple joke that wasn't even that funny."

Immediately sobered Draco took a seat at the table grabbed a cookie and read over their To Do list

To do list (for the new house)
By Pansy

1. Clean the  house bitches
2. Move in the furniture
3. Give pansy chocolate because she helped with Teddy.
4. Set up Teddys nursery
5. Set up the kitchen
6. Potter;)

"PANSY!" Draco shouted, a light blush dusting his cheeks when he read the last one. Harry glances up so fast his neck cricked, Hermione giggles into her glass and Ron choked on his cookie.

"Is she wrong though?" Ron said starting to laugh along with Hermione.

Harry and Draco blushes deeply Draco dipping his head to hide it and Harry not even bothering.

"How about we set up the nursery, it's the only thing left." Harry said promptly changing the subject to save both him and Draco a lot of embarrassment.

"Well we'll leave you too it then." Hermione said winking and pulling Ron from the room by his arm. "Yeah it seems like a Couple Thing™!" Ron agreed sprinted towards the fireplace.

A pinch of floo powder and a few mumbled words later they were gone, leaving only a puff of green smoke and the two slack jawed faces of Harry and Draco in their wake.

Harry thought he heard Draco mutter something along the lines of 'bloody Hooligans' before an awkward silence filled the space where Ron and Hermione once stood, "Well..." Draco said breaking the awkward silence, "Shall we?" He continued grabbing a box of crib parts and levitating a changing counter up the stairs.

"Uhh yeah. I mean sure." Harry replied picking up two boxes of dismantled furniture and a paint can.

They headed up the staircase in silence and deposited the stuff outside of Teddys room, they opened the door and Harry brought in the paint can.

"Muggle or Magic?" He asked cracking open the lid. "Muggle for the walls magic for the roof." Draco said accioing two paintbrushes from the living room. "What colour did you get?" Draco asked suspiciously glancing toward the paint.

"Ummm I'm not sure, Hermione chose it, Harry stated opening up the top."

"Thank fuck!" Said Draco looking at the light blue coloured mixture. "What! I can pick nice colours too!" Harry protested grumpily dipping the brush in the paint. "Stop! Potter!" Draco sneered magically freezing the brush before Harry could coat the walls.

"Do you know nothing about painting." He said rolling his eyes, "scourgify." he said waving his wand over the walls and unfreezing the brush.

Harry started to paint muttering something about posh gits.

"Do you think we should draw something on the walls?" Harry asked when the room was coated in a nice blue colour giving the room an under water looking glow. "I mean like an animal or a tree?" He said pointing to the wall left of a window.

"Sure Potter, do you have any artistic talent?" He retorted smirking. "Erm no? not really." He said. "But you can cook?" Draco asked. "Uhh yeah?" Harry said as more of question.

"Perfect, i'll paint a tree on the wall and you cook, what type of tree Potter?" "YOU CAN DRAW????" Harry asked loudly "Yes and you can cook what type of tree?"

He asked again "umm ooh do a birch with a cardinal in the branches! Wait but don't you need other colours aside from blue though."

Draco fixes him with a disappointed look, "Am I not a wizard?" He said raising an eyebrow at Harry.

Harry left the room and went to make lunch. Leaving Draco alone in the room, he transfigured some bowls out the cherry blossoms from the tree outside Teddys window and filled them with paint. He changed the colour of the paint and got to work.

"ITS READY!" Harry yelled clobbering up the stairs, he stopped short in the doorway and stared.

The wall looked amazing, there were two birch trees side by side and a cardinal on the branches, it looked almost realistic, Draco himself was covered in paint and blushing a little at Harry's amazed expression.

"Merlins beard Malfoy! That's amazing when did you learn to draw like that?" Harry exclaimed running a hand over the quickly dried paint, "I- uhh sixth year," he said nervously rubbing the back of his neck, "y'know when he was in my house it was, uh, calming." He said giving an awkward half smile.

"Lets go eat now." He said changing the subject.

They ran downstairs, one far more gracefully than the other, but they both arrived painlessly nevertheless.

"Question..." said Draco looking at the homemade pizza Harry had made. "What is that?" Harry snorted at him making Dracos ears turn a little pink "it's pizza Malfoy, it's a muggle thing."

Draco grimaced a little and grabbed a slice, he picked up a fork and stabbed the slice. "ArE YOu eaTInG PizZa WiTh A fORk?" Harry yelled appalled. "Erm yes. So?" Draco responded lifting his fork up "you're supposed to eat it with your hands... prick." Harry responded picking up a slice himself.

"You are what you eat." Draco replied smartly making Harry choke on his pizza. Draco widened his eyes and turned bright red, he closed his mouth in surprise "shit, I just accidentally came out to Harry bloody Potter." He said horrified.

A/n let me know if you think I should change the POV 😁

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