Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I woke up the next morning to realized all my stuff was packed. Where am I going? Oh yeah I'm leaving to Wisconsin. Sad part was that I was leaving alone. I took a shower and got dressed in a pair of sweats and Seth's hoddie that I love so much! I walking into the living room to see Isabella and Melissa standing there. "Good morning Jane." Isabella greeted me. "Morning Jane" Melissa said right after. "Good morning both of you..... Where is Seth?" Melissa walked closer to me. "The doctor came last night, and healed him. Seth is waiting for you in the parking lot to take you to that airport." I smiled. "Thank you... Both of you." I walked past them and noticed that there were no wolf bodies laying around. Wow they clean up fast...

I came to the parking garage... Finally! It took me 40 minutes to find it. I looked around to she the most heart stopping car ever! It was a black Mercedes F800. I sighed I always wanted one, but Ryder kept telling me...' In you dreams, sis.' I walked up to it and looked through the passenger window and saw Seth looking at his phone. I tapped the glass. Seth almost broke through the roof. Guess I scared him. I laughed in the inside. He playfully glared at me as he unlocked the doors. I climbed in only to have my head pulled by Seth's hand for him to crash his lips onto mine. He pulled back, causing me to whimper and pout my lip. "Jane don't give me that look, or ill lock you up so you never leave." "Sorry" I did not want to live life as a prisoner. He pulled off very quickly. I grabbed the door for dear life. "Relax babe. Your gonna break my door." Wow Seth way to care about my safety! I huffed, and sat back into the chair.

We arrived at the airport in record breaking time. I sighed looking at seth. "Your gonna call everyday understand. It hurts me that we will be separate for three days." I'm not gonna cry.. I'm not gonna cry.. I sobbed. "Shhh, baby it's okay.... I can come with you if you want...." "N-No you have to stay here. I need to figure this out on my own." He looked hurt for a minute, until he put on a straight face. "Make sure nobody bothers you....or I'll chase your plane wolf form." He whispered the last part. He can be so possessive." Don't worry....I love you seth." I hugged him. "I love you too Jane. Don't forget to call." "I won't." I smiled at him and walked to my gate. I boarded the plane much to my discomfort... I hate planes!!! I clung to my armrest for dear life.

------7 hours later------

I pull up to my old house. I give the taxi driver some cash and slip out. I walk to the front door. I see all the cars are home....even Trenton's!! How is that possible.

I knock on the door. I heard someone coming. This is it. They open the door, and I'm left feeling shocked, angry, betrayed! The person standing infront of me was pronounced dead from a bar fight! He noticed my state, and tried to talk to me. "Jane! Your home. I haven't seen you in so long!!" He went to huge me, but I stepped back. My mother came to the door. She gasped. "Jane, is that you. You've grown so much." She went to reach for me to when I took another step back. I didn't know what to say. I rushed past then and straight to my room. I pushed open the door. My mouth hung down below my knees. There in my bed Ryder had some girl underneath him moaning his name..... ON MY BED! I growled so furious! He looked up shocked. He quickly got off and put on a pair of boxers. He threw the bimbo some cloths. I couldn't believe him. ON MY BED! That's so gross! "Ryder what the hell! On my bed that's fucking disgusting!" I yelled unable to control my temper. The bimbo got up and snaked her arms around Ryder's waist. "Ryder...." She purred. "Why is she in my room?" WHAT! What the hell is she talking about! "Your room! Excuse me whore last time I checked this is my room since I was little!" She looked taken back, but smirked. "Haha you mean was your room. This is the biggest room in the house. Me and Ryder are gonna need it after we get married." It was like she punched me in the stomach. I had to release my anger. I ran out of the front door and into the woods that were in my backyard. I took off my cloths and hide them behind a tree. I shifted. I ran for miles, until I became tired. After 10 hours of running... Yup that's how pissed I was. I shifted back and threw my cloths on. I came back to the house to see everyone in the living room. I walked in and breathed. "Come here sweety I have a lot to tell you." 'Tell me about it mother' I spat angrily in my mind. Well here goes nothing.





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