chapter 1

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Harry POV

I sigh and I then took the Dursleys food off of the stove and I set the table and then I went to the cupboard under the stairs and I felt pain and I pass out from the pain

Time skip to the next morning

I woke up and then I left the cupboard under the stairs and I went to a mirror and I see that I have wings so I sigh and then I see a owl with a letter and I took the letter and I started reading the letter

Dear Mister Potter or should I say Mister Riddle -Snape-Malfoy

We was informed that you just came thru a early Creature inheritance so please come to Gringotts and this is a portkey all your have to say is mate

From Griphook your bank account manager

I grab all of my stuff that I was luckily able to get without the Dursleys knowing and then I say mate and I appear at a bank and I walk inside I went up to a goblin and I saw that his name is Hadrian

Harry- can you please take me to Griphook because I'm Harry Potter please- I said/ask

Hadrian-of course kind wizard-I said

He then took me to Griphook and then he left so I went inside and I sat Infront of Griphook and he told me what to do so I did

Birth certificate ( fake)

Name- Harry James Potter

Age- 11

Birthday- July 31 1989

Mother- Lily Potter nee Evans ( alive)

Father- James Potter ( alive)


Mate-Ginny Weasley

Heirships-heir Potter, heir Gryffindor


I look at the other parchment and I am shocked

Name-Alexander Riddle

Age- 11

Sexuality- GAY AS FUCK

Parents-Severus Snape- mom- 34-vampire, Lucius Malfoy- dad- 35-werewolf, Tom Riddle- 39- Demon

Mate-Rabastan Lestrange- 21- vampire


Creatures-original vampire/werewolf/witch/fox/dragon, king/queen of hell, king/queen of heaven, king/queen of animals, king/queen of everything, king/queen of vampire, king/queen of werewolf, king/queen of witches, king/queen of foxes, king/queen of gods,king/queen of dragons, angel ( the kind of angel you are when you died) sorcerer, demon, devil, more

Personality- Cruel, Sadistic, Stubborn, over-protective, menacing, unpredictable, dangerous, wicked, cheeky, unreasonable, cocky, flirt, brave, attractive, rude, violent, aggressive, powerful

Quirk-telekinesis, teleportation, creation, element, All for one, one for all, thunder, speed, angel king/queen, devil king/queen, fallen angel king/queen, pregnancy, immortality, mind reading, copy, transform, death, sea, god of gods, god, copy, create quirks, animal, vampire, werewolf, witch, fox, tattoo, piercing, elements, explosions, ice, fire, information, more

Lord and others

Lord Potter

Lord Emrys

Rabastan x Harry Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora