Hyung..' jimin hugged him tightly..'

Then jungkook calm down when he saw jimin
Jimin you're alright..?? Did they touched you he said with gritted teeth..'

No hyung..' they didn't touched me..' while talking with jungkook his eyes trails down to his hand which it's fully covered with blood..'

Jimin eyes widened..' ....hyung your hand...is bleeding
Jungkook didn't care about his wound he was still thinking about those bustards which they're try to touch Jimin..

Jimin was tensed up because of seeing jungkook's bleeding hand..
He securely holds his hyung hand and take his pink hand kerchief from his pocket.. he tied his knuckles by blowing air on his hand to prevent from bleeding..

His eyes brimmed with tears he sniffing so badly when he saw his jungkook was injured because of him guilt was killing him inside..'

Jungkook looked at jimin face which he was crying so silently..'

I..I'm..s..sorry hyung..' I..it's all b...because of me..he said while tying his hand..'

jungkook looking at Jimin face so fondly with lovely eyes..' then he cupped his face with right hand and caressed his chubby cheeks..'

jimin looked in to his eyes with his teary eyes..'

I'm so..sorry hyung

Shhh... don't cry jimin it's not your fault why you're crying..?
Why you crying huh..? He came so closer to his face and asked in low voice..'

because of me you got injured..' he said while lowered his head ..'

Jungkook placed his hand on his chin and lifted his head..'

It's nothing happened to me minnie ..' so please don't cry..' I can't see while you're crying..'

Then jimin didn't waste the time he hugged him so tightly and crying so badly..'

At first jungkook was shocked due jimin's sudden outburst..' he was getting nervous cause he's crying so badly..'

Minnie please don't cry..'

H..hyung... what will happen if any bad happened to you..? He chocking while crying..'

Jungkook Hugged him back so tightly..' he was so tiny and squishy in his large arms..'
He chuckled when jimin was thinking so deeply..'

Minnie..see Nothing will be happen to me. I'm absolutely good right see..'

b..but your hand..' he said while buried his head into jungkook's hard chest..'

I'm afraid a lot hyung..'

Then jungkook pulled away from hug and looked into Jimin's eyes..'
Minnie don't worry about me I'm perfectly alright. As I said I protected you from those perverts and I promise to joonie hyung which I will take care of you..
Now please don't cry ba..I mean Minnie I can't see you while you're crying.. he wiped his tears..'

Then jimin looked into his and nodded his head..' cutely

Both are lost into eachother eyes..'

INNOCENT CUTIE ( JIKOOK/VHOPE )Where stories live. Discover now