Spread Your Wings part 1

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  • Dedicated to Avalana <3

Spread Your Wings

I opened my eyes slowly waking up to the irregular noise of the monitor reading my heart rate. Every part of my body hurt, I'm tired, really tired. I'm only fifteen, I often thought to myself over and over again, why do I have to live here in this hospital?

This is the third time I've had an operation on my brain and I was getting used to the constant pain. I stared at the photo frame next to my bed. In it was a picture of Justin, I just watched it waiting for him to tell me everything was going to be alright. I felt a warm tear slowly fall down my cheek. I was scared and I wanted him to comfort me more than anything. I slowly shut my eyes and fell back asleep.

"@justinbieber - I hear u Australia. The #BELIEVEtour is coming there" His tweets came up on my phone instantly, I felt so connected with him. After retweeting and favouriting the tweet I turned my phone camera on to see how I looked. Though I've got bandages and machines attached to me, I have long brown hair and brown eyes. My skin is quite fair and I've always been on the thin side. I'm not the prettiest girl but I couldn't help but smile and get goosebumps on my legs and arms. Justin was coming here, to Australia.

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