Murder She Wrote | MB Short Story

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((Just a nice short story I decided to do, Ps:Tell me if I should Keep o delete this.))



Is it my fault? Of course it is. Everything's all my fault, it always has been. You see, I'm blessed,well cursed, with this power-ability should I rephrase. Does it make me feel superior? Sometimes, but other times it brings me down. It brings other people down. That's why I'm here now. Locked. Not behind bars, but I'm locked inside. I refuse to ever step outside again. I'm a monster who can't be trusted. My mother told me I'm just misunderstood, but she can't say anything because of where she is now. It's her fault that I am the way I am. I have this strange ability of whenever I write in my "diary" it comes true. That's the problem. Something came true that I didn't really mean to. He didn't deserve it...none of them did. I let my emotions catch up with me & now they're all gone..and it's all my fault.

(( September 1st, 2013; 7:05a.m; Ana's Home ))

"Ana baby you have to face your fear. You're seventeen now, it's time for you to get out there." My mother spoke gently to me. I remember it was the beginning of the school year, my first school to attend to be exact. I was always home schooled due to my "ability".

"Mom,what if something happens? What if -what if,"she cut me off by shushing me."You're just a little misunderstood. But trust me , you'll get some where in life. But first,"She handed me my bag."School."

She smiled and I nervously smiled along with her. We got into the car and drove off. I stared out the window and sighed deeply. I don't want to get close with anyone, I don't want to socialize with anyone. Because in the ending , someone will get hurt & it wont be me.

"Have a great day. Remember don't write your feelings, just express them." I shut the door and turned to the school. EastWood High. I sighed and pulled the door open as I stepped into the crowded hallway. I walked to a place that seemed like a front office."Excuse me, I'm Ana Valsquez. I'm a new student." A Chinese woman looked up at me with a smile. "Nice to meet you Ana, I'm Ms.Complen. I'm your principal."She shook my hand."Welcome to EastWood High." I kindly smiled as she came from behind her desk."Okay for the next year or so you'll be attending these here classes and extra curriculums." She handed me a long paper."Your first class should be Algebra correct?" I looked down at the paper and nodded. She walked me to a class and we stood in front of a door. It swung open as we walked in and we stood in front of the class.

"Goodmorning students. I would like to welcome the new student of EastWood High Ms.Ana Valsquez." The principal announced and everyone said silent hi's."Well, I'm Mr.Gilson nice to meet you Ana."The man who I assume is the teacher shook my hand."You may take a seat next to Rayan. Rayan please raise your hand." A girl with two braids rose her hand and I silently sat next to her.

She tapped my shoulder and smiled."Wassup?" Oh my gosh, do all girls sound exactly like dudes? "Um, hi." I said before I took out my Algebra book."You new here huh? Well let me introduce myself. My name is Rayan, but you can call me Ray. Ray twice if you nasty."He winked and I made a disgusted face. I'm not really into boys. I'm not really into people. I shook my head and made my attention back onto the board.

After that class it was geography, gym, cooking. Then finally it was poetry . I'm just starving , when is lunch around here? I walked into the class and took a seat in the back pulling out my "diary." I was first in class so I just started writing. Before I knew it the classroom was full and again Rayan was in my class. He's in 1st,3rd,and 5th block with me? Ugh, he's been trying to chat with me all day but I keep avoiding him because I don't want any trouble.

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