For a moment he wondered what it would be like to play that piano in a performance, perhaps a ballet performance? Maybe a performance by Win?

He also imagined what it would be like if he played that instrument. Was it impossible?

For Nani, yes, but was it a sin to dream?



- Cute isn't it?

The voice snapped Nani back to reality.

- Ah... I was actually wondering if I should clean him today

- So he's not handsome?

You seemed to admire...

- He's beautiful

- There is an even more beautiful one in my house, in green

- Actually, this is the first piano I've seen in person.

- Never been to a classical performance or something?

- Never

- Wow, this is weird for me because I've been to performances for as long as I can remember. And about the piano, well, my dad is a pianist so actually besides the green one, there are two more pianos, the black one and the red one.

- Like a collection?

- Actually black was my dad's taste, then he bought red which is my mother's favorite color and green which is my favorite color

- Your father must be very kind

- And he is, I miss him, he's traveling for work.

He usually plays almost every night, and now that he's gone, the house is always quiet.

- Didn't you want to learn to play?

- I don't know how to explain it, I'm used to seeing my father playing for me, I kind of prefer to be played for me. It's really beautiful to watch someone do what they love, and in my case it's ballet, so I dance

NANIWIN: AFTER YOUWhere stories live. Discover now