Cupid Chapter 6

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She was floating in the blackness as she slowly returned to consciousness.

For a moment, she thought she was home in her own bed.  Her entire body tired.  Too heavy to move.  Her eyes refusing to open.

Gradually, Julie's mind began to function.

Her head was swimming making it hard to think.  Bits and pieces of her surroundings slowly filtering its way into her drugged brain.

She was in a bed, but it wasn't hers.  Her blankets were thick and heavy.  These were light an airy.  The pillows seemed to be plumper, softer.  The sheets cooler, smoother.  Furthermore, she wasn't wearing the over-sized "High School Musical 3," t-shirt and black gym shorts she always wore to bed.  The smells, a mix of musk and floral scents.

She tried to think back, to remember, but her mind was a blank.

Finally, she forced her eyes open.  The room was dark, but she could see somebody over her.   Her vision was blurred, her eyes refusing to focus.  She closed them, trying to reach up and rub her eyes.

Her arms refused to move.  She realized that something was around her wrists, holding her hands down at her sides.  She tried to move her leaden arms again, but nothing changed.  Whatever was around her wrists had her hands securely restrained.    She quickly realized her feet were being held by similar padded cuffs.  Why?

Her eye flew open to see the figure over her.  Her vision cleared enough to see a woman looking back at her.  Her eyes were droopy, with a dazed look.  Her golden blond hair framed in the glow of a large red satin pillow billowing around head.  It took her a second to realize she was looking at herself.  Above the bed she was in was a huge mirror.

"What the hell is going on?" she wondered aloud as she closed her eyes and tried to think back.

She had gotten out of detention.  Lily had been held back so she had walked to her car alone. She had said something about meeting her in front of the school.

There had been an old truck parked next to her Porsche, but she hadn't paid attention to it.  She was still furious at Jason getting her detention to notice much of anything.  She remembered the string somebody had taped to the window of her car.  Remembered that it ran over across the top of the car.  She had pulled on it.  A giant spider at the other end came flying at her.  She remembered jumping back instinctively, colliding against the side of the truck.

Somebody in the bed of the truck had grabbed her.  She remembered a strong arm going around her neck.  Remembered something white going over her mouth before she could scream.  It had been soft, wet and was sealed over her nose as well.  She remembered the smell, strong, sickly sweet.  Any notion that it was a prank was cast away by the realization that whatever over was covering her nose and mouth was soaked in some kind of chemical to render her unconscious.  She was being drugged.  The world was already beginning to spin.  Her limbs growing heavy.

She remembered clawing at her attacker, but he was wearing a heavy leather jacket, protecting his arms.  His hands equally protected by thick gloves.  She had tried to claw blinding at his eyes, he was too strong to be a woman, but couldn't find them.

"I'm being kidnapped," she realized as her body went limp.  She remembered being pulled backward over the side of the truck.

Panic gripped her.  She began to struggle in her restraints as adrenalin gave her new strength.  Only then did she realize she wasn't alone.  A quiet moan coming from the bed next to her.  She froze.

The room was dark except for a dim light in floating in the darkness.   She looked over and could see a figure in the shadows.  A man, he looked familiar, but in the dark, she couldn't be sure.  Like her, he was covered by what looked like a red satin sheet and matching comforter.

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