Reviling the truth

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"Well well if it isn't the calvary, your a little late aren't you," said izuku "I-izuku," said assmight in shock "wow so the dumb bastard actually knows name," said izuku as his subordinates were entering the portal "I would love to stay and beat the ever living shit out of you but I have more important thing to do so see ya bitch" said izuku as gave assmight the finger. "Oh, and nezu," said izuku as nezu looked at him " next time we meet you will learn the truth," said izuku as assmight tried to catch him but disappeared into the gate.


UA infirmity

Izumi, Katsumi, and shota were laying in bed covered in body casts as nezu, assmight, and Aizawa were watching over them"how are they recovery girl" asked nezu as a small old woman with a syringe for a cane "bad I am afraid they suffered some intense injuries from what I can tell they were being tortured and there attackers were enjoying it" said, recovery girl.

"What about Izumi why does she look like that" asked assmight as recovery girl looked at him in annoyance before going over a picking up a clipboard "to be honest I don't know how izuku did but he changed her DNA completely," said recovery girl "what do you mean " asked nezu "well it means that she is no longer related to izuku,inko and Hisashi by blood and she is now the biological daughter of Allmight and some random women who is a prostitute," said recovery girl.

Just then the alarms go off and assmight, Aizawa, and nezu who was on Aizawa's shoulder rushed to the monitor room. As they arrived the rest of the teachers were there "what happened" asked Aizawa "someone broke through the front gate we putting on the monitor now" said power loader as the teachers looked at the monitor only to see izuku looking at the camera.

 As they arrived the rest of the teachers were there "what happened" asked Aizawa "someone broke through the front gate we putting on the monitor now" said power loader as the teachers looked at the monitor only to see izuku looking at the camera

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"Hey, nezu let's have that talk now shall we," said izuku.

Interrogation room in UA

Izuku is sitting in a chair with quirk-canceling handcuffs. Inside the room with assmight, Aizawa, are on the left side, and midnight and nezu are on the right side.

Izuku was looking at the room until looked at Aizawa "hey uncle how are those injuries sorry for kicking that hard " said izuku "I would be in a body cast but thanks to you I feel good as new and it's ok" replied Aizawa.

"Now then ya-" "it's midoriya " interrupted izuku "ok midoriya you said back at USJ that you would reveal the truth and what truth would that be" asked nezu "before we continue with this discussion, I am waiting for two people to show up," said izuku "who are these two individuals," asked nezu as the door opened revealing Detective Tsukauchi and a green hair and eyes women in her thirties wearing casual clothes.

"Now then ya-" "it's midoriya " interrupted izuku "ok midoriya you said back at USJ that you would reveal the truth and what truth would that be" asked nezu "before we continue with this discussion, I am waiting for two people to show up," said iz...

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"Hello, mom," said izuku as he smiled. Inko tried to hug him only to be stopped by assmight "inko don't go near him he is dangerous" said assmight.

"Izuku are these the two you were waiting for," asked nezu "yes because the detective can use his quirk to confirm my tale and the reason why I wanted my mom here is to see what a piece of shit assmight is," said izuku.

"Now nezu do you know how quirkless people are being treated" asked izuku "we do know that they are being harassed and mistreated," said nezu "oh you don't even know the half of it nezu," said izuku " what do you mean" asked nezu. "Ever since I was diagnosed quirkless my life has been filled with nothing but misery and despair," said izuku.

"Everywhere I went I was treated like the plague no one wanted anything to do with me at school I was a punching bag," said izuku as he unbuttoned his suit and showed them all the scars he had accumulated over the years leaving them speechless "it wasn't better at home either," said izuku as he was buttoning his shirt back up "w-what do you mean sweetie," asked inko "this asshole never made me a plate of food I had to eat the leftovers he threw away in the dumpster," said izuku as inko was shocked by this "wait what about the meals I left for you," asked inko "he gave them to Izumi," said izuku as inko looked at assmight in anger "how could you do this to my son" yelled inko in anger.

Nezu then looked at the detective "is he telling the truth" asked nezu as the detective only nodded "oh he isn't the only one that cause me so much pain remember my scars well the one who gave me them were Izumi, the bakugo twins and the todoroki twins" said izuku the whole room was silent "not surprised that you are shocked by this after all that school made no report about my bullying" said izuku

"Why did you not report them or that school for that matter," said Aizawa "what good would that do they would just let it be because in the eyes of society I was nothing and that it's when it came to me," said izuku "what did" asked nezu "the society we live believe that your worth is determined by the powers you are born and so many people like me are suffering because of this and that is why I will change society and it believes entirely and if they don't agree they will pay the price," said izuku.

"How many people have died because of your idea," asked the detective "I don't know do you keep track of all the insects you killed," said izuku.

"Oh, and by the way, the power I wield isn't a quirk," said izuku as he used his steel thread to Immobilize everyone except his mom. "As I said I came here to reveal the truth nothing more you might want to keep those pieces of shit because a war is coming nezu a war that will change everything," said izuku as he went to his mom and whispered in her ear before a gate appeared behind him "oh and thank for the gift by the way," said izuku as he was holding the quirks canceling handcuffs before disappearing into the gate.


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