chapter one - home bittersweet home

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After a long and gruelling eleven hour flight, Liv and I have landed back in England. We're in Heathrow airport in London. It's late morning, which means we can thankfully head home today. While we wait for our train, I hover over Chris's contact; call or text. I know he wanted me to call, but I'm not sure I could keep it together. I decide to drop him a text. I'll call him when I get home.

To: Chris 😍🥰
Hiii, just landed in London. Waiting for the train back to Shrewsbury now. I'll call when I get home xxx

I also decide to drop Abi a text to see if she's able to pick me up. I don't want to spend more time with Liv than necessary.

To: Abi
Hey Abi, can I ask a big favour? Would you be able to pick me up from the train station please? I should get back to Shrewsbury for about 4pm

"Do you want to get some food before our train comes?" Liv suddenly asks. Locking my phone, I shake my head.

"I'm not hungry."

"You haven't eaten at all today."

"I ate s-something on the p-plane."

"A few bites at most. You need to eat, Meg."

"You can st-stop pretending you care."

"That's not fair."

"Ah, b-because you'd know all about what's f-fair." She sighs.

"I do care. I know I fucked up, but is there really no way we can get past it?" Tears brew in my eyes. I really can't deal with this right now. "Tell me what I need to do to make this better."

"J-Just leave me alone."

"I don't get it. You and Chris are together now. Nothing happened between us so what's the big deal?" I shake my head, hardly believing my ears.

"If you r-really don't understand why what you d-did was so fucked up, then we'll n-never get past it. I'm going to the l-loo." I quickly stand up and hurry towards the nearest toilets, hiding myself in one of the cubicles. I put the lid down and sit on the edge, almost immediately erupting into tears.

Shit. Come on, Meg. You need to get your shit together. One thing Liv is right about is you and Chris are together. Long distance will be hard, but you love him. You can make it work. There's no point crying about it. Not when it hasn't even been twenty four hours yet.

Chris's POV
The next twelve hours drag, to say the least. I try and get some sleep, but I can't relax. I cannot miss Meg's call. I impatiently wait, anxiously checking my phone every five minutes. I keep an eye on when her flight is scheduled to land.

It should have landed by now. But I haven't heard anything. But she can't call as soon as she gets off the flight. She's got to go through security and everything. I'm sure she'll call as soon as she can.

Dodger suddenly crawls up beside me, looking up at me with his cute puppy eyes. Glancing at him, I smile weakly and give him a head scratch. "Shall we go for a walk, bubba?" His tail starts wagging and he perks up. I let out a weak laugh. "Wanna go for walkies?" He jumps off the bed excitedly. "Alright, let's go for walkies. Clear my head." I slip out of bed and throw some clothes on, before heading downstairs.

I end up walking Dodger all the way to Scott's apartment. I don't really know how I got here exactly. Exhaling deeply, I ring the doorbell. He probably won't even be awake at this time.

No answer. I ring again. And knock. Oh Scott, please answer.

A few moments later, I hear the door unlock. It opens slightly and Scott's head peers through the gap, still half asleep.

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