Hell does exist

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Im walking at the park today alone and its saturday. Its 5 in the morning and i can already see people acting lovey dovey. It always makes me want to puke everytime i see people happy. When they saw me walking they stopped what they were doing until i was gone. I was walking for about 20 minutes when i reached the beach i always visit.

I sat down on the sand when i heard a bunch of girls laughing. I was starting to get pissed, didnt they see me? I stood up and walk towards them, they stopped laughing and look at me in fear, they should be.

I smirked.

I was about to speak when i heard someone yelling while running towards them, the other girls were telling her to shut up but she didnt.

I left the group of girls and went to the girl who was running, i blocked her way making her stop.

I smirked thinking that she finally had come to her sense now that she saw me.

~uknowns pov~

I was buying smoothie for my friends, they we're laughing but they stopped when someone walked towards them. I looked at him and he kinda look handsome and cute.

I was laughing because i was thinking that maybe they stopped because that guy was hot. I ran towards them while shouting their name. They were telling me to shut up but i didnt. I saw the guy looked at me and then he walked slowly towards me, i heard my friends sigh in relief.

"Keep your mouth shut ugly bitch if you dont wanna die young"

I was shocked of his attittude. Who does he think he is to call me an ugly bitch, doesnt he know that in my school, all boys are dying to date me and hes just gonna walk and call me an ugly bitch? Oh this boy is different no one should call me that.

He was about to turn around and walk away but i did something that made everyone look at us. I threw the smoothies at him.

"Yah! Who are you to call me an ungly bitch?! Didnt you know that im the most popular girl in my school?!"

Then it hit me, i was only 2nd -.-

"I mean, Im second but it doesnt care! You still shouldnt called me an ugly bitch! Jerk." I whispered the last word.

He turned around sending me death glare, it was as if his eyes are burning in flames, i started regretting what ive just did and what i had said.

While he was slowly walking towards me, still sending me that glare, i kept on walking backwards until i fell.

Stupid rock, why is there even a rock at a beach?

I was now in a sitting position, I rubbed my back and when i opened my eyes, i swear if i was drinking something, ive already spit it out. His face was so near, like 3 inches.

"I swear you'll regret what you've just did to me. You should start hiding now if i were you cause once i caught you again, im gonna makes sure you live like in hell."

I gulped, i was really shaking out of fear but i didnt show it, i acted like it was nothing to me.

"Ohh...im so scared" i said sarcastically, i continued.

"Im sure that i wont regret anything, you deserve it, JERK! You think you can scare me?" I rolled my eyes.

"FYI! I dont believe in hell"

He went nearer making me fall completely.

"Thats good then, guess I'll be the first person whos going to prove you that hell does exist and im gonna make sure you live like it."

His deep voice making me shiver, he slowly caressed my face.

"Watch what you say"

He stood up and walk away leaving me like a statue. I cant move, i was so scared, does he really mean that?

Aishh, dont believe him, and as if you would meet again, this is probably the first and the last. No need to worry, as if he can hurt me, im gonna report him once he does, besides, Busan is a big place.

My friend ran towards me asking if i was alright, if he hurt me. My friends, not just us but everyone stopped when he spoke.

"Whoever helps that girl..." he said pointing at me.

"I will make sure you live like in hell too, until we meet again"

He said and walk off. He was like a prince or maybe a god that when he said that, people started going near me and taking pictures.

What the f*ck? Why are they taking a picture of me? Are they gonna post it or something? Who is that guy anyway that everyone seems afraid of him?

My friends asked me tons of question and they also gave me warnings, what is wrong with them, do they believe that guy?

"Are you alright?

"Omg, why did you do that?"

"Do you f*cking have a death wish?"

"Youre in so much trouble girl"

"Youre the only person whoever did that to him?"

"Do you even know him? He is Park f*cking Jimin"

"If i were you, you better start packing up today and leave, go somewhere as far as you could. Probably, out of korea, you should probably go back in US"

"I'll make sure you look beautiful on your funeral"

"We'll always be by your side, no matter what"

"Dont worry, lord knows how much your a good girl, he'll take you to heaven"

I wasnt listening to them, only two question bothered me.

Is that guy even serious?


Who the f*ck is Park Jimin?

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