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Before you could finish your sentence, he pulled you down for a kiss, placing his lips onto yours

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Before you could finish your sentence, he pulled you down for a kiss, placing his lips onto yours. You were surprised at first, but you wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. This time, it felt different.

You felt Kyotani grip onto your waist, thinking that he was trying to pull you even closer, but he wasn't. He pushed you off of him. A surprised and embarrassed look in his eyes. Did you do something wrong? You didn't know what to do or say. Kyotani just looked at you before turning away from you and standing to his feet.

With a swift movement, he snatched his backpack off of the ground and aggressively opened your room door, running down the stairs. "What the fuck?" You whispered to yourself, scurrying off of the bed to chase after him. You nearly tripped over your own two feet as you heard the front door close.

Why was he leaving? Was he embarrassed? You didn't know what was going on with him. You genuinely thought you two were sharing somewhat of a moment together, but it didn't seem that way anymore.

You ran down the stairs, slipping on the steps as you went to chase after him. Turning the handle to the front door, you were met with nothing but your front yard. You quickly looked down at your feet noticing you didn't have any shoes on. You contemplated on just running out to the sidewalk to see which way he might have gone. Screw it.

Running on the concrete path that led from your door to the sidewalk, you quickly looked left and right. Nothing. He was nowhere in sight. He left so quickly with no reasoning. Was that all a test? Some sort of prank that went too far? You were so confused.

A sigh felt past your laps as you sulked in your thoughts, your head still turning left and right in hopes to see him walking down the street again for whatever reason. You eventually gave up, slowly walking back up the path to your house and shutting the door behind you.

"Great, now the bottom of my stockings are ripped." You groaned in annoyance, staring at the tiny holes on the bottom of your stockings. You walked upstairs back to your room, hoping that you'd call him and he would pick up the phone and try to explain what the hell just happened with him.

Your arm reached across the bed and picked up your phone, your fingers excitedly tapping across the screen and pressing on Kyotani's number. You placed the phone up to your ear and plopped down on your messy bed, kicking your feet in the air.

The phone rang and rang until it finally went to voicemail. You knew that he was purposely ignoring you. If he wasn't gonna pick up your call then he definitely wouldn't answer your text. There was ok use in doing it. You decided to leave him alone and just pretend like nothing ever happened. Like that kiss never happened.


You stuffed your math book into your locker, exchanging it for your chem book, the class you had with Kyotani next period. Ever since that day, he hasn't called or texted you back. You weren't gonna try and call or text him again because you knew it would result in you getting ignored.

"Mad dogs got some cuties in his classroom, I'm surprised he hasn't tried to get with one of them yet. Right, Mad dog?" A boy laughed, shoving Kyotani as he chewed on a piece of food. "Yeah, don't you sit with y/n. I'd totally try to get with her."

"Shut up." Kyotani simply responded, shutting down the conversation of the two about you. "Come on! Look, she's right there, talk to her." One of them edged on, pointing at you. You rolled your eyes and shut your locker, making sure it was locked. "I'm right here, you know?" You raised a brow at the three of them.

Kyotani stared at you, taking a bite of his food. He has no expression on his face. Almost as if he was hiding and ignoring what happened at your house that day. "Oh, sorry, y/n." One of them laughed, rubbing the back of his neck out of nervousness. You just shook your head with a smile, holding your book close to your chest. "Y/n!"

You felt a large arm wrap around your shoulder, hugging you close to them. You quickly looked to your left to see Kai smiling at you, still hugging you close to him. "Kai." You greeted, maneuvering your way out of his grip and looking at him. "Don't look too happy to see me." His hand reached out, pinching your cheek.

You slapped his hand away and looked at him in disgust, giving Kyotani a quick glance. "Can you not touch my face?" You scrunched your face up out of cringe, staring at Kai. "Whoops." He laughed, trying to diffuse the situation and make it funnier by laughing. Kyotani and his friends just stared at the two of you, noticing the awkward tension between you two.

Kyotani could tell you were uncomfortable but didn't want to say anything in front of his friends. He didn't need them knowing you both were close in some way. Plus, it would be weird after he abruptly left your house with no explanation. "Yeah, whoops." You sarcastically repeated.

"Hey, can you three get out of here? I need to talk with her, privately, before class begins." Kai exchanged looks with Kyotani and the others, smiling at them. Kyotani swallowed his food and looked Kai straight in the eye.

In the back of your mind, you felt like something bad was going to happen right now. "For what?" Kyotani asked, suspicious of Kai. It was evident that as soon as he saw you and Kai in front of the school he didn't like him at all. That's why he became super overprotective of you out of nowhere. "None of your business man."

Kyotani stepped forward until his friends grabbed his shoulder and held him back. "Let's just get out of here Mad dog." They suggested, guiding him away from the both of you. Your eyes followed Kyotani as he walked down the hall, completely forgetting about Kai's presence. "Hey!"

You snapped back to reality and looked at Kai, remembering that he wanted to talk with you privately. "What is it?" You asked, trying to hurry up and get away from him. You didn't know why he was trying to come back into your life all of a sudden. You didn't have time for his antics or whatever he was trying to do. Maybe he was trying to serenade you. Get you to sleep with him again because he was just that desperate.

"No need to be hostile. I was wondering, about Mad dog, are you two a thing?" Kai asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets and slightly tilting his head to the side. "I told you he's just a good friend. Why are you in my business?" You began to get agitated with Kai, as he had no right to talk about your relationships with anyone. "Well-"

The bell sounded off in the hallways, giving the go to head to class. You pushed past Kai and began to head to chemistry class. Walking quickly as you can, you blended in with the rest of the students that were also making their way to their last period class. Why was Kai so persistent about Kyotani? Does he know about you two somehow?

 Why was Kai so persistent about Kyotani? Does he know about you two somehow?

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𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ᝰ 𝑲. 𝑲𝒀𝑶𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑰Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora