When we reached the large building, it reminds me more of a warehouse than a cooperate office. Michael was put down once we could see the entrance. At the entrance were two guards. They blocked to door.

"Who are you guys?" One asked, she was such a strong voice. They were in suits, tailor to them I'm sure. 

"Pestilence, I got a date with Mother," Michael said. He sounds nothing like the gentlemen who offered us his home, his food and care. He's emotionless, and cold in the way he holds his head high and demands his way. The two get out of there our way.

"Our deepest apologies Mr Pestilence. Surely you understand. It's her first day, this won't happen again," the other said bowing. He nudged the other, she does the same after apologising.

"See it doesn't," he sneered as we walked in. Once we were out of view Wolfe picked up Michael again. I can see them whisper to each other for a second. "Give me directions," he mumbled. Michael guides us. Sam comments to Tony about the fancy signs.

"I could make a better one," he said. 

"I'm sure you could Tony," Sam laughed and hugged his boyfriend's arm. Mickey rolled her eyes before linking her arm with McLennan. Jaime walked with Greg as they looked at the different newspaper clippings that were framed. It was weird. I felt alone. Usually Wilbur (fuck Ares) would be with me. It was an unspoken conversation as I would link my arms with his and we'd walk. I'd ramble sometimes and he'd listen, humming ever so often to show he was interested.

"Awfully quiet there kid," Wolfe said. Michael pressed the button for the lift for us. We all filled in.

"It's just weird. For a few years now, Will and I would go everywhere. it was us against the world. Sure I have friends now but Will and I were the ones who ended up together when everyone left. Not having him here just... feels wrong. Like I made a bad choice," I admit. Wolfe nods.

"I get that. With my wife, it always felt wrong. I guess we just didn't spend enough time together, when we did it was empty. We were friends sure but not sure we are supposed to be together. We all have our person though," Wolfe rambled. He stopped when Michael shifted slightly. Michael's leg didn't look so good, it's amazing he even walked earlier. We reached the floor. Michael decided to walk. He stays in front of us.

"The moment I say you leave. I mean it Lucifer, you leave at once," Michael ordered.

"What about you?" Jaime asked.

"We aren't leaving anyone," Wolfe said more to Michael than us.

"I'm serious. Take the kids and go," Apollo said. The doors open and there she is. She's standing tall wearing a black long dress. It reminds me of a mermaid. She was beautiful, her skin was slightly paler than I remember, and she had an umbrella with her. Her heels clicked as she stepped forward. My mouth dropped. I took a step and Michael prevents me from going further.

"Pestilence, to whom I owe for your presence?" Her voice is powerful. her guards stood at each pillar that supported the building. Each marble pillar was a statue, the poor people looked in pain as they supported the buildings.

"Mother. Perhaps we take this to your office. You see there is someone who's been waiting to meet you," Apollo said.

"Very well Pestilence. Come forth and do hurry. I've got a meeting with Mister Kris Master and his toy. I do recall you've met, yes?" She said with a turn. We get off the elevator and followed at a distance.

"Yes, Cassius Eve and Kris were old partners. What happened?" We stayed quiet as Apollo answered. Wolfe doesn't bother to look up either, he doesn't make eye contact and neither does Toni.

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