First of Many

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i'm assuming we've all heard the news abt season seven being the last; thoughts? enjoy!

"Are you nervous? Excited?" Kevin asked, laying on his stomach on the Cooper girl's bed. She turned around after pulling her hair into a ponytail. "Both, Kev," she chuckled. "This is our first actual date, I want everything to go perfectly."

"With you in charge? That's almost guaranteed," he replied with a smile, before furrowing his eyebrows slightly. "I'm still...a little confused about the dynamic. Is it, like, a whole-group thing?" "I think 'whole-group thing' is probably the funniest way you could have described it," Betty laughed, turning back to her vanity.

"It's like...okay, so Jughead's my boyfriend, right? But he's also Veronica's boyfriend. And I'm Veronica's girlfriend and I'm also Jughead's girlfriend," she explained, noting the reflection of Kevin's puzzled expression.

She sighed and turned around, summarizing, "Yeah, it's a whole group thing." "Well, you know I'm the last person to judge," Kevin said supportively. "I'm a little surprised, though. I mean, you being pan was a shock, but the Betty Cooper being polygamous?" he said sarcastically.

"At this point, I'm made to defy expectations," she chuckled before sliding her blush brush across the apples of her cheeks.

"I just hope this goes well."

Meanwhile, at the Pembrooke, Veronica put on her false lashes and painted her lips with ruby lipstick. Her outfit was casual--well, at least what Veronica considered 'casual'; a dark blue top cropped a bit past the middle of her stomach and a matching blue plaid skirt.

"Getting ready for your date?" Hermione asked from the open doorway of her daughter's room. "That's tonight, isn't it?" "Yes and yes," the Lodge girl answered with a smile. Hermione gave a small smile of her own, clasping both hands in front of her.

"Well, I'll have Smithers stand by to take you," she said. "Thanks, mom," Veronica smiled. "Now if I remember correctly," the Lodge woman began to say as Veronica finished up her makeup, standing from her vanity chair and slipping into her black heels.

"You were trying to decide between the Cooper girl and the Jones boy." Veronica chuckled quietly, grabbing her purse from her bed. "So who've you decided on?" Hermione asked as Veronica came to the door.

"Oh, Mom," Veronica chuckled. "Why not both?" she asked before walking past her mother and heading to the family car.

In the Jones trailer, Jughead turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping a towel around his waist and going to the bathroom counter. He picked up his toothbrush and went about brushing his teeth, waiting until his hair was damp enough to run a comb through.

He was nervous about the date, as he was sure the girls were, too. He never imagined he'd get so lucky to have not just one person to love and care for him, but two. He walked back into his room and got dressed, nothing too fancy as he was a Jones, after all.

He'd thrown together a tee shirt imprinted with an 'S' and dark jeans, neglecting his more common layers like a jacket or flannel around his waist

After zipping up his boots, he looked in the mirror for a second or two, deciding he was good to start heading to the diner, closing the trailer door behind him. About two seconds later, that door was opened again as Jughead realized he'd forgotten his beanie.

Betty was the first to get to Pop's, sitting on the side of the booth that faced the door. She was distracted with her strawberry milkshake when a voice drew her attention up. "I should've known you'd be here first," Veronica chuckled, standing beside the booth.

"Hey, V! Come sit," Betty smiled, scooting over. Veronica smiled, sitting beside her girlfriend and putting her hand on her chin, remarking, "You look beautiful, darling," before bringing the blonde's lips to her own.

They pulled away with smiles on both their lips, Veronica chuckling when she saw the stain her dark lipstick left on the Cooper girl's lips. "Here," she chuckled, unrolling her napkin and wiping the pigment away.

"I ordered you a double chocolate milkshake," Betty said. "And Jug, a vanilla one." "That's sweet," the Lodge girl replied. "Very," said Jughead as he sat on the other side of the booth. "Thanks, Betts."

The girls chuckled and greeted their boyfriend as a server came by with the two's milkshakes. "I'm glad we were able to do this," Betty smiled, laying one cheek on her hand. "Me too," Jughead smiled.

"You both look gorgeous, by the way," the Jones boy added, taking the strawberry from Betty's milkshake and popping it into his mouth. She gasped playfully and Veronica smiled, responding, "Thank you, Jug."

Veronica took a sip of her milkshake as a server came by to get the three's orders. Betty got a burger and fries while Veronica and Jughead got a burger and an order of onion rings each. They continued with their witty matter for a minute or two more before Betty was clearing her throat.

"So, V," the blonde started to say before looking over to the Jones boy in front of her. "Jug and I were thinking of starting a...I guess you could say 'gossip column' for the Blue and Gold. And we thought who better to run it than you?" she explained.

"You're offering me a spot?" Veronica asked with a smile. "Of course, Ron," Jughead answered before swiping some of his whipped cream with his index finger. "I'd be honored," she responded with a small chuckle.

"Thank you both." "We'd love to work with you," Betty replied with a smile, her arm wrapping around her girlfriend's waist to pull her close. "The feeling's mutual," Veronica replied with a smile, kissing the blonde's cheek.

Their food came out and the three thanked their server before digging in. Jughead stole one of Veronica's onion rings and she chuckled, remarking, "Excuse me, you have your own." "You know, you're right."

"What I don't have are some of these," he said before taking one of Betty's fries. "Oh, wow, really?" she laughed before swiping his milkshake glass away as a joke. The three laughed and continued eating their food and each other's for the next hour until it was time to call it a night.

When Betty got back home, Kevin was calling her, greeting her with a, "So, how'd it go?" Betty chuckled, holding her phone to her ear as she stepped into her room. "Oh my god, Kev, it was--"

As Veronica came into the Pembrooke, she saw her mother sitting on the couch with a glass of Chardonnay. "Back from your date, I presume?" Hermione asked, making space for Veronica to sit beside her. "How was it?" Veronica smiled and sat down, answering "Absolutely--"

When Jughead walked into his trailer, he saw his dad was back from work, sitting at the kitchen table. "Hey, Jug. Didn't you have a date tonight? How'd that go?" "To be honest, Dad--"


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