New Beginnings: Part 1

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Robert's POV

I walked out of the bedroom then down the hall and into Ally's room to see she was already awake in her crib. As soon as she saw me she stood up and reached her arms out to me. I went over and lifted her into my arms, putting her up on my side. Then I made my way out the door and down the stairs.

"Daddy, I want food." Ally said and I smiled.

"You want food?" I asked her and she nodded "What kind of food baby girl?"

"Ice cream" she cheered and I giggled.

"You can't have ice cream for breakfast, but I'll make you a parfait." I negotiated.

"What's a parfait?" she asked and I snorted.

"You'll see" I answered going into the kitchen and sitting her down in her high chair.

"Where's Mommy?" she asked.

"Upstairs" I answered "She's still asleep."

"Just me and mommy today, right?" she asked bouncing up and down in the chair.

"Sweetie, we have to do something else today." I glanced over at her and told her.

"But I wanna spend the day with Mommy!" she whined.

"You will, just not today. We have to go out and look at houses today and tomorrow" I told her.

"Boring" she mumbled.

"Well if it's boring then you can stay here when we move into the new house." I said getting the parfait glass and the ingredients that I needed.

"Alone?" she asked and I nodded.

"Yeah" I spoke.

"No" she said while the tears formed her in eyes.

"I'm not going to leave you all alone Ally" I told her and she balled her tiny hands into a fist to wipe her cheeks.

"My room?" she asked and I turned to her.

"Your room, what?" I asked.

"New house" she said in her cute voice.

"Yes you get a room in the new house and once we move, no more sleeping in a crib." I told her.

"But I like my crib." she said and I smiled.

"It's time for you to get a bed" I said and she started to cry "Look. Stop with all that crying."

"No!" she shouted.

"What did I tell you about that?" I asked.

"I don't care!" she screamed crossing her arms. I sighed and walked over to her, she started to cry even more. I lifted her up and into my arms. She wrapped her arms around the back of my neck and laid her head on my shoulder.

"It's okay, I'm sorry." I told her kissing her cheek afterwards.

"I sorry" she said and I giggled.

"No, it's I'm sorry." I said and she smiled at me "Now say it over."

"I'm sorry" she mumbled and I smiled giving her the cookies and cream parfait.

"Good girl" I cheered "High five" I said and she put her tiny hand against mine.

"Yay!" she screamed and I smirked sitting her on top of the counter.

"Can I trust you to sit up here?" I asked her and she nodded "Alright, but don't move, okay?"

"Okay" she said and I went over to the fridge to get everything else out so I could make breakfast for Hannah and I.

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