Chapter 22

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"So, here you go. I was born in a poor family. My dad soon got a good job of the personal driver of noona's dad. So, the money was obviously more than before but still, since my mom was pregnant, half of the money was spent in her care.

I didn't go to school, for my parents couldn't afford it,  I never knew what it was like to go attend school in a uniform, when I used to see kids my age, walking home with their parents, laughing and jumping, I used to envy them so much.

My dad was an alcoholic before meeting Noona's dad, he used to be grieved by the fact that he couldn't raise his family. You see my parents fell in love too fast and I was an unplanned kid. Sometimes my dad used to come home, and used to scream on me for being born." He let out a bitter laugh.

"I was a literal kid. I didn't know anything. My mom too used to hate me, for the same reason, sometimes she physically let out her frustration on me, but she never cared so I was mostly on my own.

After my dad got the driver's job, he stopped drinking. He improved greatly. But my mom used to always make him feel low. She never stopped arguing, from the moment he got home till the next morning he left.

And then, one day, my dad and Noona's dad both got into an accident. Both of them passed away and an investigation was kept, because Mr. Lee was obviously a big businessman, huge name, big money. And it was revealed that the accident was my dad's fault. He was in a bad mood, probably because of mom and was driving too fast.

After that, my mom drowned into alcohol too, even though it was harmful for the baby. Then one day her condition got so worse, she was screaming, on the floor. I dialled the nearest number in a panicked voice, crying so badly. It belonged to the. Lee Household. Mrs. Lee picked up but then she hung up immediately when she heard my voice because she blamed my dad for the accident. And then. Someone called back. I quickly picked it up and it was Noona. She told me to calm down and she sent an ambulance to my house. She accompanied me in the hospital.

It was the very first time I was feeling the warmth of a mother. She was caring, gentle, her smile was enough for making me feel safe. My mom passed away in the hospital, but luckily the baby survived. That day, when noona pulled me into her embrace, I remember crying on the top of my lungs. I cried so much, my throat went hoarse."

Seo Jin's voice cracked at the end and Ji Yung looked into his glistening eyes. The other members were listening too attentively, Seungmin's eyes too were watery.

"Noona took me and my sister in after that. She convinced Mrs. Lee for that. I was a wrecked kid but Noona, she was really patient with me. I was really quiet, hardly smiled, always flinched, but Noona, she gave her time to both me and my sister. She homeschooled me and taught me things that kids my age learned in school.

I remember her, trying to handle her dad's company, raising me, my sister at the same time. Yet, she never raised her voice at me, or physically hit me, no matter how tired she was, her voice was always laced with that lovingly motherly voice. I was difficult to manage, but she accepted me.

Her office had a peculiar sight. Files scattered here and there but also, baby toys, a crib, colourful walls, plushies, baby products—I don't even remember how many times she cut off a meeting, just to calm my crying baby sister.

I remember how every weekend she used to make out time to take me on a holiday, I remember the look on her face when I smiled genuinely at her, all these things she did, while she was a still young. They say that you can only understand the feelings of a mother when you give birth, but actually, you don't have to give birth to be a mom, not necessarily.

Then she admitted me to middle and high school. All along, whenever I needed her, she was always there was for me.

I can never forget the things y—ou have d-done for me. Never ever." Choked sobs escaped his mouth as he sniffled.

Seungmin had tears streaming down his face as well. Ji Yung quickly crawled towards him to pull Seo Jin into a hug. He felt him shaking slightly, as she hugged him tighter. She heard small sniffles coming from her side, and she softly patted Seungmin and pulled him in. Jeongin joined the group hug too, followed by Felix and Changbin.

"Me too!!!" Bangchan added in.

Hyunjin awkwardly sat there, a smile on his face when he felt something grab his sleeve. It was Ji Yung. She pulled him closer lightly. Hyunjin took the hint and wrapped his hands around the group.

"I wonder how y'all manage to turn every conversation into a drama ugh." Ji Yung groaned as she hugged them tighter. She would be lying if she said she wasn't blinking back her tears.


This chapter was a bit short lmfao. Anygays, I love Ji Yung so much. 😭😭

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