ch8:party time

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Well now it's time time for the dance it's a week away. jaune really wasn't plan on going but leone akame and sheele were having none of that so now here jaune is being pulled from one clothing store to the other with akames personality you'd think she wasn't the girly girl but now he clearly see that he was dead wrong now there trying to pick out there dresses and they were in a really expensive store

Jaune:ladies is buying a super expensive dress really necessary


Leone:why are you even complaining your filthy fuckin rich it's not like it will put a big dent in your wallet

All jaune could do is let out a drepressed sigh

Akame:and besides we been doing nothing but work since we came to beacon and none of us have ever been to a dance before so you can say your treating us for our good work

Again all jaune could do was let out a sigh beacuse they were right they have been doing good work so far so he could be a good boss and let them havve there fun but did it really have to take 3 BLOODY HOURS to pick out a god danm dress

Jaune:ladies are you done i know there are alot of options but should it really take this long

Sheele:yes we want to make sure we look our absolute best so stop rushing us

Jaune:(mutters)good grief

After another painstaking 2 hours they finally have the dress they want and when jaune saw the prices akame leone and sheele gave the sweetest most innocent smiles they could muster ass much as he didnt want to buy expensive dresses they have been working hard so atleast he could do is make sure they have the best

After getting everything they they went back to there dorm

Leone:it's nice to just be a regular teenage girl for a change

Akame:yea it was fun

Sheele:we should go shopping when the mission is over

While they were having there girl talk jaune was thinking to himself but his thoughts were interrupted when a familar voice showed up

System:hello player

Jaune:(thinking)woah havent heard from you in while is there something you or the brothers need

System:yes the brothers are quite pleased with your progress and they are pleased with how easily you resist temptation

Jaune:(thinking)what do you mean by that???

System:well the G.O.L thought that by now you would launch some super campaign to take over the world the G.O.D thought you would do nothing but amass a big harem and do nothing but sit in your mansion and fuck them like a wild beast all day and night

Jaune:so basically they thought i would either become a tyrant or a lazy the faith in me is astounding

System:but you do have a harem you just dont treat like sex objects

That is true jaune has become more daring and confident when it comes to women but he still treats them with respect and cares about the saftey and wellbeing of each of them

System:and the brother gods wanted me to give you a message

Jaune:(thinking)oh whats that

System:we have seen the future and we are very pleased continue your hard work and make us proud we are happy that we were right to choose you to give this power to

Jaune Arc Beacon's Betrayed GamerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ