Ch 29: Surprises

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3rd Person POV

It's been  5 and half months since Draven has seen his home. It's been that long since he's seen Mac. It's been that long since he's been trying to get his memories back. As he starts to pull stuff out of the bag Mac packed for him and actually touch each item for once.

He pulls out a photo album.

It has pictures of when the twins were first born all the way up until they came back to Ashby. The last few pages are filled with just pictures from 6 to 9 months ago.

One was of the twin riding with him on his motorcycle. They had the cutest smiles on their faces. Draven was happy and laughing. His eyes shined with love.

The next one made him chuckle. Everleigh had smashed cake on his face while Blade smashed cake on Mac's face. The twins yet again was laughing. Draven remembers this day like it happened yesterday.

The following one was one that showed love more then the others. The twins kissed each side of his face. It looks to be taken at the bonfire. Draven looks to be in a fit of laughter with shock in his eyes.

The last one shows the most love out of all four. Draven stood behind Mac and both their hands were on her stomach.

Making a heart with their hands.

The twins were on both sides of Mac's slowly growing belly. Kissing both sides of her stomach.

A banner sat behind them in the trees.

Excepting Creed #3

He flipped to the last page and sees Mac's handwriting.

"I loved you when we were kids and I love you now. I'll love you tomorrow, a month from now, and years from now. I don't care if it takes months, years, or until I'm 60. Whenever it is you have your memories I'll be here waiting. I didn't know what else to pack beside this album and a few other things. Hopefully they'll jog your memory a little. If not than you'll have a piece of all of us with you.

I love you Reaper.

Love always Wild Flower."

He reached in the bag and pulled out the twins shirts. Each one was from their party right before he lost his memory.

Lastly was a leather jacket with Mac across the front. When he turned the jack over he immediately dropped to the ground. He starts to hold his head like it was about to blow off. The memories came crashing down like tidal waves.

He remembered it all. The memories were so strong that he blackout for hours. When he came to he started to throw all his shit into his bags. He was in such a hurry; he even forgot to close the beach house front door. He hopped on his Harley and pray to whoever was listening that he wasn't too late.

I get dressed in Draven's tee shirt that still goes to my knees. Even with this beach ball belly his shirts still swallow me whole. I couldn't even attempt to put my vans on so I slip my feet into my flip flops. I put Titan's leash on him and he hopped into the front passenger seat. A quick drive to the store to get the ingredients mom needed for cheesecake cookies. As I am walking out of the store with the bags and Titan next to me. My phone started to ring.


Dear god please tell me Blade didn't try to put a fork in the toaster again!



"Heading there now. Just got your stuff."


"Fuck! On my way!"

I throw my bags in the back seat and open my door. Titan hops into his seat then I slide into mine. Mom's voice was panicked when I spoke to her. So I safely rushed towards the clubhouse. Everyone is outside standing.

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