Ch 28: T-Rex- Dylan's POV

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Today Dawson, Kaiser, and I are taking Mac to her doctor's appointment. She's got less than two months left. She refuses to know what the gender is. Therefore, we respect her wishes of not knowing even if it's killing us. We all want to know if we're going have another Everleigh or another Blade running round. Don't get me wrong I love those two to pieces but they're a handful and half. So, I would like to know what I'm going to be up against.

How did she raise them for almost 5 years by herself? She's got strength that's for sure. She's an Archer after all. Mom, Tinsley, Kenna, Jolene, and Rylee took off with the kids. They're taking them for milkshakes and to the park. I believe. I walk into Draven's room and my sister was having trouble putting her shoes on.

"I am the size of a beach ball that is blessed with
T-Rex sized arms." She grumbles.

I bend down and tie her vans for her. I hold my hand out so I can help my very pregnant little big sister up.

"Okay you little shit monkey. You can quit kicking my spleen at any given time."

All I could do was laugh as I was walking her down the hall. That was until I felt her Gibbs smack me on the back of my head. I sent her a glare which she equally return. Except her's was more frightening with her pregnancy hormones still bouncing around.

"Ready to go?" I ask her.

"Yes! I want to see my baby already." She happily replies.

"How can you even tell it's a baby. The damn screen make it look like a bloody alien?" I question her.

She pulls me by my ear through the clubhouse. She stops in the middle of the main room still latched on to my ear.

"Owww! What the Hades?!" I screech.

"Your niece or nephew doesn't look like an alien." She says angrily. While stomping her foot on the ground like a toddle throwing a tantrum. This causes Kaiser to burst into a fit of laughter. Mac sends him a glare.

"That's his own stupidity!" Kaiser says while throwing his hands up in surrender.

Dawson comes to my rescue. Or maybe it was to keep Mac from going to jail for murder. Either or I definitely quite happy to see him walking the pissed off gremlin out the door.

I run out the door with my keys in my hand.

"I am driving!" I scream out.

"Why?" Kaiser yells.

"So he doesn't have to sit in front of Mac or beside her. He's afraid she'll wrangle his neck." Dawson laughs out.

I thought I would be safe as the driver.


She hops in behind the driver seat with an evil smirk.
Evil woman. I swear. I gulp down air.

"So!!!" Kaiser goes to say.

"How about Tacos and nachos after the appointment?" I try to save my own ass.

"You're only asking because you're trying to save your own ass from our pissed off sister." Kaiser laughs out.

"Wait until she wants your head. Bet you won't be laughing than." I growl out at Kaiser.

"She'll never have my head. Because I'm the favorite one. Plus we're like two peas in a pod. We understand each other." Kaiser pipes up.

"Even her favorite can still feel her wrath. You aren't that safe." Dawson calls out next to Mac.

We finally pull up at the office and they immediately call her back.

"Uh? All of them are coming in?" The nurse questions.

Mac sends a glare.

"She's an angry gremlin today. So, if I were your I wouldn't question my sister's decision." I respond.

Mac's lips turn up into a half smile. I'm getting there.
Almost free from her wrath.

"But, why would she want all of her brothers in there?" She questions.

"We are her support system." Dawson deadpans.

"Where's the bloody father?" This idiota nurse asks.

"None of your fucking business." Kaiser growls out.

"He's dead." Mac says with a tear falling from her eyes.

I mean in her eyes he is. He doesn't remember their moments together since she's been back. So to her he's pretty much dead. A walking shell that's trying to figure out who he is. It's heart breaking.

The nurse's face twist into distortion. Yeah bitch mind your own damn business. She walks out and leaves us with a teary eyed Mac. The doctor comes in and checks the baby.

"Do you want to know the gender yet?" She asks.

"No." Mac answers quickly.

"But it'll be a remarkable memory to remember." She states.

"So would having the father be here to know what it will be." Kaiser answers.

"I won't know until they are born or until he is back from..... out of town." Mac states.

"Well they are doing wonderful. They're growing quickly. You'll probably have a bigger child this round. We might have to consider a c section McKenzie." She informs us.

"Your blood work and labs are great. You're also quite healthy. They'll be here faster than you can blink." She says with a smile.

We leave and head towards Mac's favorite Mexican place. She orders her usual 4 tacos and junkyard nachos with a sweet tea.

"Come on Mac you can't be mad at me forever." I whine.

"Yes, I can." She mumbles out.

I go to say something when I am cut short. Cheese and lettuce and pieces of tomato hit me in my face.

"What the hell?" I shriek.

"Now we're even, you look like an alien." She laughs out.

If having food splattered on my face will make her happy. So be it.

I'm a fucking alien today.

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