Ch 26 Pres Left- Dylan & Kaiser's POVs

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It has been weeks since Draven took off. I get he needed to remember but did it truly involve leaving....

His club.

His family.

His children.

His wife.

His unborn child?

My sister has become a shell of herself. She smiles and laughs but it's not a real smile and it's not her real laugh. She tries to be the best mom she can be.
I can tell through her eyes she wants to give up. She fights every single day.

Every hour.

Every minute.

Every second.

Of every day.

For those two beautiful children and her unborn child. She tries to spend time with them but she's became numb.


All of us take turns watching the twins. There's days Mac can't move a muscle from her bed or whatever spot she's in. There's days she is up moving but like her body is on autopilot. I watch as my sister wastes away by the night. It's a battle but a battle we'll make sure she wins.

I listen every night from my room here in the clubhouse; she stays in Draven's room and silently cries. It breaks my heart more and more. I took what she told to Kaiser one day when we were younger to heart. I walked in on my sister crying and laid down beside her. I placed her head on my shoulder and let her listen to my heart beat. It calms her down and soon she falls asleep. I told Kaiser what I have done and how it helped her pass out. Now every night either Kaiser, Dawson, or I. Hell even a mixture of us at times will come in that room at night and place our sister's head on our chest. If I have to do this every damn night.

Then I will.

Anything for her.

My light.

My joy.

My asshole sister.

Slowly over the weeks we started to see a change in Mac.

An improvement.

She started to come out more. Started to smile more. Started to laugh more. Started becoming the old Mac.

In a way.

I watch as my sister is chasing her children around. The only sound that fills the air is their laughter. I thought she was heading into the right direction.
Until tonight when I walked in on her sitting in the window sill. Kaiser came up behind me and noticed how she was acting and sitting. I watch as he walks over to her and sits beside her.

"I'm not going to jump you know? You don't have to watch me." She randomly says.

"It doesn't matter Mac. I'll always be here for you." Kaiser says while squeezing my sister's hand.

I decided to walk away. To give them their privacy. Those two are like Dawson and I. We're twins but they should have been born twins. They have that connection that neither Dawson nor I will have with them. It doesn't hurt my feelings nor Dawson's because they understand each other better than we could.



"I'm not going to jump you know? You don't have to watch me." She says sounding broken.

"It doesn't matter Mac. I'll always be here for you." I tell her.

I squeeze her small hand and hope she realizes how much she means to all of us.

To me.

"I mean I didn't say I wouldn't jump eventually." She mumbles.

"And I'll be right next to you before you even jump." I whisper back.

"You can't always protect me Bubs." She whispers.
I watch as a tear falls from her cloudy eyes.

"Until my dying breath it's you and I. I'll always be by your side. I'll always protect you. No matter what." My voice cracks.

"It's hard."

"I know Mac. I know."

"When I deliver this one. Promise me you'll watch over them. Make sure this little one knows how much I love them. Make sure Eve and Blade remembers me. I can't live without him. I've been counting down the days. The minutes. When I will deliver this one. Just so I can end my suffering."

"Don't talk like that. You can watch them grow and you can tell them every single day how much you love them. Draven will be back."

"He hasn't even called or talked to me. He doesn't remember. He probably never will. There's no point Kai."

"He'll remember. Give him time. You have us. All of us. You have your 3 children. Think about them Mac. Please. You can't leave us. Not yet. Not ever."

"Never let go. Never give up."

"Never let go never give up."

"That's it. Our phrase. Remember. Never let go. Never give up."

I look down at our intertwined hands and I can see her tattoo on her wrist.


Never give up.

I take her hand and kiss it. I pull her into my side and hug the fuck out of my baby sister. Never let go. Never give up. Never Mac.

Please believe in our phrase. It helped me through everything. So did Mac. Without her I wouldn't be here. Now it's my turn to be her shoulder. To help her stand. To help build her back up.

La famiglia è per sempre sorella. Sempre e per sempre.

I heard sniffling from the door and glance back to see Dawson and Dylan in tears. With my free arm I motioned for my baby brothers to come over. They bolted towards us and sat down behind us. All of us had our hands around each other. As Mac and I dangle in the window.

Dawson you better not fart. Because you'll blow us to our literal death.

 Because you'll blow us to our literal death

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