A Web of Intrigues

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"Exactly" Hae Soo affirmed, running his hand slowly on the courtesan's body. "This one is a masterpiece. She dances like water and she's an expert in throwing knives," he stopped to smile dirtily, palming the courtesan's breast. "Right. At. The. Heart. Wouldn't you, Lovely?"

A chill ran down Min Ho's spine, his mind was busy trying to counter the devious plan as he sat there.

"Shall we make her dance at my brother's birthday?"

"Ne. Wouldn't it be awesome if the emperor took his last breath on the anniversary of his first?"

"It's brilliant," Min Ho praised passionately.

"My sister will make her has the chance to perform at the birthday banquet next autumn."

"I'm sure she will enter the palace smoothly."

"So who'll take this seductive dancer tonight?" Hae Soo asked, his question was directed to Min Ho but his eyes were smothering the courtesan blatantly, "You or me?"

"You go ahead. It's been awhile since I sleep before dawn. Besides, I'm preserving my appetite to enjoy my wife. There's nothing better than taking an innocent virgin."

"I know. I'll see you soon, My Lord."

As Min Ho walked away from the room, Hae Soo started to take off the layers of the courtesan's dress. He hadn't taken five steps out the door before he started hearing gasps, moans, and the rattles of wooden furniture.

He hastened his steps to his own chamber, wishing he was blind and deaf.


Jo Yeong patiently observed his master pacing anxiously for the past few minutes. Outside, he's always calm and cool headed. He only panicked and behaved restlessly when there was no one around.

It was a normal occurrence, perfectly normal, Min Ho told himself.

So why am I feeling so fed up with it all?

Politicians staying at his palace, music playing all night, and those flirty, experienced courtesans throwing smiles at everyone. He even let them use as many rooms as they needed, using all the courtesans to maximum benefits until dawn. He even joined the routine and took those women more often than not.

The goal was, of course, to make all those politicians felt at ease at his home. To fish out information, confessions, and devious plans.

He opened the sliding doors to inhale some fresh air. The wind was blowing, washing up his tense face.

Lady Go Eun was right to be disgusted with me. I have set up my own palace to be a brothel.

He walked slowly to the beautiful pond near his chamber, his loyal guard following a few steps behind.

He stood at the edge and under the moonlight, observing his own reflection.

Sometimes, I wonder where I end and the nastiness begins. I feel I am more evil than good now. I began everything with willingness and goodwill. And these days, I have never slept without wondering whether I or my brother will still be alive by sunrise or not.

People? The less people live might be the better.

Would Lady Go Eun agree? He doubted it.

She must be one of those untouched few human beings who believed the good in others.

She hadn't seen what I've seen. That humans love to kill, destroy, and take those that were never rightfully theirs.

The thought that Park Hae Soo was currently there with the courtesan that he planned to kill the emperor made Min Ho wanted to burn his palace to purify it.

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