"So how was your day?" Liam asks trying to break the silence and shut his thoughts out.

"Umm okay I guess. You don't have to pretend to care." Zayn says staring out the window now. Not in a demeaning type of way but more nonchalantly

"I was just trying to make conversation damn." Liam responds as he grips the wheel tighter. He was trying to stay level headed so he didn't go off.

"Oh my gosh sorry that came off mean! I didn't mean it like that." the younger frowns.

"Look this situation is weird I know but I was genuinely just trying to make conversation."

"Sorry" is all Zayn mutters out slightly feeling intimidated.

Some awkward silence and a cough or two later the pair arrive at a luxury rooftop restaurant. They make their way inside with Zayn sighing in relief due to the lack of paparazzi around. Usually he had to deal with the occasional few. With Liams given reputation and new title announced to the public he figured they'd be swarming him.

As they reach the host stand the young hostess looks up and instantly perks up. She couldn't have been more than Zayns age. "Mr Payne always a pleasure to see you here again. You must be Mr. Malik? She says grabbing two menus smiling at Zayn.

"Yes I -uh am." He states.

"Sorry aha i just see you on all the fashion magazines I read." She smiles shyly. "Right this way gentlemen."

"As alway enjoy, and it was very nice meeting you Mr. Malik! The hostess says while setting down their menus. "Oh please call me Zayn. Malik makes me feel old." He chuckles out. "Of course sorry about that." She blushes and leaves the pair.

Zayn sits for a minute as he browses the menu. He can read a room well and with Liam being this quiet it's making him nervous. On the way to the office he went over time and time what exactly he would respond to Liam. He still wanted to be professional about the situation since it is basically business. Before he could continue wondering he's brought out of his train of thought.

"So do you know what you'll be getting?" Liam asks looking at Zayns eyes.

"I'm not sure. The salads here look pretty good." Zayn responds flipping to the next page. He can feel Liam staring at him though. Right now Zayn knows he can't meet his gaze without choking up.

In a sense he knows Liam isn't to blame for this. He was just as much in the dark as him, but he's always been gunning for his dad's position. Zayn on the other hand wasn't prepared for a life changing situation like this. Liam still gets his position, but Zayn is merely one of the stipulations in that agreement. Everything he thought he could potentially have is gone. He never once in his modeling career even thought of owning part of a company, let alone being married at his age.

"Can you please look at me. You know we need to talk about other things than dinner." Liam asserts.

"I really don't know what you want me to say Liam."
Zayn says defeatedly finally looking into his dark eyes. "Do you want me to sit here and pretend this is all okay. I don't think anywhere in the contract it says I have to enjoy this unless my parents signed away my feelings too."

Liam only sips his water trying to keep his composure. The words did sting him a little especially with the tone he used. Liam could tell Zayn was hurt. They grew up together so he knows when Zayn is hiding emotions behind the facade.

"You're right I'm sorry. I just really think we should talk this through... My father would like an answer."

"So he's giving you a choice?" Zayn asks suspiciously. If he's actually given a choice why not say no.

"Not really a choice more of an ultimatum. Trust me if I actually for a second thought there was a slight chance at a choice I'd say no but my father laid it out very clear. I know this is a bad situation and I'm trying to take this as level headed as I can but I really need you on the same page." Liam responds softly.

"Is he actually being sincere?" Zayn thought. He's never seen or heard him talk like this.

"If I say no?" He challenges.

Liam sighs. "Then I can't make you agree... I'll tell my father you declined. I'm sure he'd still keep you on with the company seeing as you're his top model. Tons of agency's would jump at the chance to sign you which wouldn't be good for him. He'd announce his decision to not step down and id probably not work for the company anymore."

Zayn has known Geoff his whole life and while he wishes what Liam said is just him exaggerating, he knows that he's being honest. "You really think he'd demote you? Or even let you go from the company."

"Trust me I'm sure he would." Liam responds nonchalantly.

Zayn takes a long look at Liam. If said he didn't feel a little bad for the older guy he'd be lying. He knows Liam worked hard to get to where he is even if at times he came across as rude and arrogant. There had been tons of times Zayn even defended him to come coworkers at the office.

"I'm so sorry..." he pauses, Liam only shrugging his shoulders. "I understand it all though. I..." he hesitates "don't want you to think that I'd say no out of spite. I know you have just as much to lose out of this as I do and I'm genuinely sorry that this had to happen." Zayn reassures him.

Liam just nods. He wasn't expecting that sincere of an answer. "Why did he have to be so forgiving though?" Liam racked his brain.

"It's hard to think about it but I mean we don't really have a choice. I don't want you to miss out on that opportunity because of my selfishness. You've always been shooting for that spot and this is your chance at it." Zayn let's out.

"You're serious?" Liam asks hesitant.

"Yes why wouldn't I be. This is like any other contract right. I mean I signed one to be with the agency and it's only business." The model states. Deep down he truly doesn't want to go through with it but he can't let everyone down. As much as Zayn wanted to hate his parents, Geoff, and Liam, he just couldn't. He always did things for the benefit of others and this wasn't any different. Even if it meant leaving all his desires behind and living this fake life.

"I uh appreciate the sincerity but you do know that thi-" Liams cut off by Zayn.

"Liam. I'm going to sign it."

"How are you okay with this?" Liam asks genuinely curios. He was even ready to leave the company had Zayn's answer been the opposite.

"It's only business right?" Zayn states as he takes a bite of the complimentary bread the waiter just brought them.

Liam nods at his final response about the topic. "It is only business" he assures in his own mind. He's seen and knows tons of his colleagues with this similar situation. They seemed okay. The real question he kept asking himself was if he really was ready to take on this role. It's all he ever thought of from the time he could even think. It's the only thing he knew.

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