CHAPTER 17: Gorgeous!

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yakko and I witnessed wakko's face getting beat with brushes and tools for what feels like an hour or more. i could hear him blurt out "ouch!" and some wincing every once in a while. i swear it sounded like dot was using drills and a saw??

"aannd done!" dot turned wakko around to face us. oh boy.

i bursted out in laughter and yakko tried to hold back but couldn't control it.

"oh c'mon guys! i think i look stunning" wakko stiffly posed in the mirror as he could barely move his face. it looks like he just had a failed plastic surgery. he attempted to wink but his lashes were so big he looked like he would fly away if he dared to flutter them.

i held my stomach in pain as i kept laughing. i hit yakko a couple times in the arm to ease the pain.

"hey! watch it!" yakko playfully hit me back.

"so-rryyy! i can't help it!" i wheezed as i punched the floor a bit. i eventually calmed down and attempted to take a deep breath but i made the mistake to look at wakko again as he made a instagram girl pose. i sputtered like an engine starting and started to laugh again.

"Yami!" dot snapped at me. i immediately straightened myself out.

"sorry!" i giggled as i wiped my tears.

"y'know what, just for laughing at my master piece, you're up next!" dot kicked wakko off of her chair and pointed to it.

"what! yakko was laughing too!" i pointed back to him.

"don't bring me into this" yakko put his hands up in defense.

dot dragged me to the chair and made me sit down. i sat down and slouched.

"sit like a lady!" dot hit my leg with a brush.

"i am! if im a lady and sitting like this, then i am sitting like a lady" i smirked to myself.

"you're literally manspreading" dot said in a dead pan voice.

"so? it's comfortable! i ain't moving, plus you can reach my face better like this. boom, win win!" i crossed my arms and gave her a smug look as she groaned in agreement.

every time she poked and prodded my face, i inched away from her hands.

"won't you stay still?!" she stamped her feet.

"aint my fault that you're literally gonna over pluck my brows, this ain't the 2000s nor am I a hispanic mom" i argued back as i put my arms behind my head.

"yakko, hold her still" dot whistled to her brother.

"wait wait wait, what do you mean by that??" i sat back up and blinked at her.

"relax doll, I'm just gonna hold your face still so dot can do her magic" yakko walked up behind the chair.

"nuh uh, ain't nobody holding my face" i cringed back to memories, people always seem to point out and baby my baby face every time i show it or they touch it. i actually like having it held by close friends but the babying is too much.

i always feel awkward and embarrassed when they do that so i wear masks as a solution. sadly i didn't have my mask with me but thankfully they haven't pointed it out.

yakko ignored me and held my face anyway. i immediately started to blush and heat up. yakko's eyes lit up with excitement.

"awhh! your face is so squishy and soft!" yakko pinched my cheeks as i tried to pry his hands off but failed.

"ya basta! no más! (stop! no more!)" i protested as he continues to baby and coo at my face.

"alright yakko, i gotta get this makeup done, stop" dot rolled her eyes, but seemed to secretly fan girl a bit.

"awh man" he pouted and held my face normally.

"y'know, that was a good way to stall, so thanks i guess" i looked away in embarrassment.

"anytime, sweet cheeks~" he pinched my cheek once more and i swatted his hand away, earning a hearty chuckle from him.

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