Ryan confessed his love to Jenn again

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"Jenn, when you want to rest just say so and your room is ready."

Ryan said,

"I'm getting tired, Ryan! Why did you bring me here?

Jenn asked,

" Jenn, why is it so hard for you to ask? Jenn I love you. Is it wrong for me to tell you that."

Ryan said,

"Ryan, our relationship is long over so don't expect us to get back together."

Jenn said to Ryan and it was obvious on her face that she was telling the truth. It hurt Ryan, all the words Jenn had left out, and he also couldn’t believe what Jenn was saying.

But he won’t give up until he proves that Jenn doesn’t feel anything for him.

"Jenn, I know you're tired so take a break before we talk, we can't go now because my car ran out of gas."

Calmly Ryan said,

"What did you say? Ryan, we can't go home, because mom and dad will be worried! If you don't have a way for us to go home, I'll make a way for me to go home."

Jenn says,

Jenn picks up her phone and she calls Alissa her mother again, to find a sudundo to her,

But unexpectedly his phone is battery empty, and Ryan's phone is also battery empty.

Jenn no longer knew what she was going to do because she didn’t know what her reaction would be to be with Ryan overnight.

“Ryan, didn’t you know we were about to sell gas here?

The worried Jenn said,

"Petron gas is still far from here, Jenn, so we can't reach it because it's only 4:00 PM and they're closing."

Ryan's response,

"Why! You didn't look at your car before you brought me here."

Angry Jenn said,

Jenn did nothing but join Ryan inside where they checked in.

Jenn didn't want them to be in the same room, but when Jenn asked the hotel staff if there was no room available, Jenn was even more angry and bored, because this is what she avoids with Ryan in the same room.

But, whatever Jenn doesn’t want she can’t do because there is no room available.

Ryan let Jenn in first, and Jenn saw the inside of the room, it was very nice and like a newlywed's room and here they were having their first honeymoon.

Jenn shook her head, because of the distance and the dirt of what she was thinking, Ryan left and immediately went to the staff.

And because Ryan was an influential person, he was able to pay for all the rooms, and was told that all the rooms were fully booked.

Just so he could be with Jenn in the same room, the staff took what Ryan paid them and then Ryan went where Jenn and I checked in.

"Jenn, you go to bed, I'm just here on the sofa."

Ryan said,

"Ahhh you're just in bed because it's embarrassing for you, because you paid for this beautiful room."

Jenn's response,

And Ryan couldn't help but smile, as he remembered the first day he and Jenn had met, it suddenly entered Ryan's mind how proud he was then.

“And why are you smiling?

Jenn asked,

"Ahhh nothing! I just remembered something."

Ryan's answer.

And soon Ryan sat up in bed, and rested while Jenn was helpless so she went out and ventilated outside.

Jenn doesn’t know why Ryan brought her here, what exactly was his purpose with Jenn? The crowd enters Jenn’s mind but she doesn’t have the courage to ask Ryan.

Unbeknownst to them it was getting late, and as if Jenn was hungry too, Ryan came out and invited Jenn to eat.

And because he was also hungry, he did not refuse.

The two are silent, no one speaks and it is as if they do not know each other because they are separated from each other.

“Jenn, won’t I really be accepted first?

Ryan asked, as he was already deafened by the silence,

"Some, I'll tell you again that no matter what you do, I won't accept you. So please forget about me first, I don't want to rely on you anymore."

( My Lover's Dream)I will despise everything for the person I loveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ