Ch 21: Sucked Into Hell & Found A Magical Place- Tinsley & Kaiser's POVs

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I watched as my body is sucked into Hell. I watch as my life just flashed before my eyes. I watch who I swear I hated but honestly I don't. I still love this idiota. Kiss the club whore. Well, I walked down the hall and they were already kissing.

Well he sure moves on quickly. I gasp like the air is being knocked out of my lungs. Both their heads turn towards me, Kaiser has a guilty look in his eyes while she has a sinister smirk on her lips. She mouths 'he's mine now bitch.' Before Kaiser could open his mouth, I turn on my heels and run back down the hall. I run out the door as Kaiser is yelling for me. I run past everyone I love with my whole heart. I jump onto my bike and blast off. I ride for what feels like hours until I make it to the beach house the club owns.

Why bother?

I sit in the sand with a beer in my hand. I don't know how long I've been sitting here but I know I've drank so much that I'm numb.

Extremely numb.

I've became so depressed lately that I don't want to even live.

How do you pretend you're fine when you're dead inside? I can't do my fake smiles anymore. I can't do my fake happiness anymore. I haven't smiled a genuine smile in months. I haven't been happy in months. How do I live when I'm empty and dead inside?

Simple answer, I can't.


"What the fuck?" I yell at Candice aka Candi.

"I mean... We have a connection Kaiser. Don't fight it." She says.

"Get the fuck away from me." I snap at her. I run after Tinsley screaming her name. She doesn't even stop. Who would blame her? I wouldn't?

She doesn't even stop when everyone else is yelling for her. She just ran straight past everyone and left on her bike like she was running from hell. Candi walks out the door towards me.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" I yell at her. Her eyes get the size of saucers.

"What happened?" Mac asks.

"She fucking yanked me in the hall and kissed me. She knew Tins was at the other end. I didn't want to kiss that bitch. Get her away from me and out of my sight." I yell. The veins in my neck are sticking out. My face is red as a tomato. Not from being embarrassed but from being so pissed off. Bitch was right at the bathroom door. She set me up. Set me up bigger than shit.

Mom pulls Candi by her hair and yanks her out the gates and off the property. I watch as my mom decks this girl in the mouth and closes the gates behind her.

"Stay the fuck out!" Mom yells. We all look at mom like she is an alien.

"What? I walked the trash out. I never liked that bitch anyways." Mom says while shrugging her shoulders. Tinsley isn't answering anyone's calls. She keep ignoring them every time.

We all sit in the main room trying to think of where she could be. She took off yesterday and we haven't found her nor have we spoke to her. Ink and Gears have taken off to the beach house hours ago. They still aren't back. A phone rings and it breaks us all out of our trances.

"Hello?" Mac says.

"Is this McKenzie Archer?"

"And who might you be?" Mac questions. She places the phone on speaker so we could hear.

"This is Dr. Rollins at Dansbury Hospital. Your listed as an emergency contact...."

"For who?" Mac asks. Fear laced in her voice.

"Uh. Monroe Tinsley Walland." The color in my face drained.

"Is she okay?" Mac asks in a panic. My heartbeat quickens as the line is silent.

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