Have you ever been in love with your best friend? Well, I certainly have. I'm the girl from the wrong side of the tracks. The girl who is an illegitimate child. The girl who is a bastard child. In other words, my mom was a club bunny. The girl who c...
What a fool?! How can he just ignore her than out of no where takes her bottle from her? That's just asking for an argument. I spot Rylee in the crowd. Her laugh is like a melody. I could listen to it for hours on end. She's just perfect in every way imaginable. I watch her from afar because I don't know how to handle my emotions. I don't want to get attached and her just walk out on us.
On me.
Or her, if she just wants to be friends.
I want her to heal before I come swooping in and try to sweep her off her feet. Once the party has stopped and every single one of us have decided to go sleep.
Before I make it to my room I peek my head into Rylee's room. She is sound asleep wrapped like a burrito with her head hanging off her bed and her feet dangling off the other side of her bed. All I can do is chuckle. I closed her door and walk into mine. The next morning the smell of bacon wakes me up. I jog down the stairs and come to a halt in the main eating room. Tinsley is glaring at Kaiser. Kaiser has an ice pack to his jaw. Kenna is laughing at something Dylan said. Rylee and Mac are laughing about something while they flip the bacon. I walk over to Mac curious on what the hell is happening.
"Why is Tins glaring?" I ask.
"Kai." Mac responds.
"Why does Kai have an ice pack on his jaw?" I ask.
"Tins." Rylee laughs out.
"What?" I question.
"He pissed her off so she hauled off and decked the dick head." Mac says while shrugging her shoulders.
"What the hell did he say to her to get sucker punched in the jaw by Tins?" I laugh out.
"Ask Kaiser what he did." Kenna mumbles. I nod my head and walk towards my ice pack wearing brother.
"So?" I ask nodding to his jaw.
"Don't ask." Kaiser grumbles out
"What did you do because I am asking." I question again. He doesn't answer but someone does.
"Your dick head brother is an asshole. I hope he chokes on his bacon." Tinsley snaps out. She's still glaring at Kaiser as she speaks.
"Well what did he do?" I ask her confused as hell.
"He I quote told me because I came down in this." She says while gesturing to her outfit.
"Because I was dancing with Kenna and Gavin he said I should be on a stripper pole with how I'm dressed and how I'm acting. He said other shit but I won't repeat what he said. So I hauled off and punched him. Fucking prick." Tinsley says with still her hard glare at Kaiser.
"Jokes on me though. I fell for the Buco del culo. But after everything you have done and said. Or lack of..... Actions speak louder than words. Just know I fucking hate you. I never want to see your face again. Don't speak to me. Don't look at me. Or I'll gouge your eyes out." Her voice cracks every time she speaks a single. My heart breaks for this girl.
Damn Kaiser. Do you have to be damn stupid?
I watch as she walks out the room wiping her face.
"And there goes your world walking out those doors. You need to get yourself in check before you lose that one." I tell him while nodding where she was. I walk off to go find the heartbroken Tinsley.
I watch as Dawson walks of to find a pissed off Tinsley. The guy is a teddy bear yet a grizzly bear when needed. Looking at Kaiser who has the glummest look in his eyes. I bet he is regretting what he's said. I only caught bits and parts of it. Just what she mainly said and her punching him. I don't know what he truly said to cause her to hit him. She wasn't ever a violent person. So he must of said something damaging to get her to react like that. I go outside to check on both Dawson and Tinsley. As I made it beside the clubhouse I hear their voices.
"Enough about Kaiser. What about you and Rylee?" Tinsley sniffles out. My ears perk up.
"Well, I don't have the courage to ask her on a date. I mean when I go to ask her; it's like the words just can't make it to my tongue. Like she's a breath of fresh air on an April morning. Her smile could just light up a room. She makes me nervous when I shouldn't be. Like she's my missing piece and I'm not sure how to make her fit. Like how can I make her mine?" I begin to explain.
"Well, I can give you hints on where to take her. However, you have to figure out a way to ask her out for that to happen goofball." Tinsley finally laughs out. "I just wish Kaiser was like you. You know?" She mumbles out.
"He's more like me than you can even imagine." Dawson says while squeezing her hand.
"Rylee has never been to the beach. She wasn't allowed to with Chains." Tinsley confesses.
"You know it's rude to eavesdrop?" A voice whispers beside my ear. I jump from Dylan's voice.
"I was uh..." I pause.
"Eavesdropping?" We both question.
"Breakfast is done. Should we tell those two?" He asks.
"You can I'm going back inside." I laugh out. Five minutes after I come in all three have waltz through the door. Tinsley is smiling but she can't fool me. Her smile doesn't quite reach her eyes. We all make our plates and Dawson is sitting in front of me.
"Hey Daw?" I ask.
"Yeah?" He questions.
"I was thinking...." I pause...
You can do this Rylee just ask.
"DoYouWantToGoOutSomeTime?" I rush out my words.
"Do what? Slow down speed racer." Dawson laughs.
"Do you want to go out some time?" I whisper out. He doesn't even respond.
"I think she's asking you out." Kaiser calls out. Tinsley turns and glares at the side of his head from across the room.
"Says the one who can't even tell a girl how he feels." Dylan mumbles back.
"Dawson most definitely would!" Kenna yells out. I look at her like she has two heads. He tells them but is too nervous to tell me. Once he snaps out of his daze he opens his mouth and I am holding my breath waiting for his answer.
"Yes! Yes I would!" Dawson sounds excited.
"Great it's a date then." I say while munching on my bacon.
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