Have you ever been in love with your best friend? Well, I certainly have. I'm the girl from the wrong side of the tracks. The girl who is an illegitimate child. The girl who is a bastard child. In other words, my mom was a club bunny. The girl who c...
I watch as Kaiser is still sitting on the bench, not moving. He hasn't said a word to me today. Well not really talked much to me at all. Since the night he found out I had a secret.
My past.
He's distance himself.
Mac was definitely right when she warned us. Kaiser took it hard, harder than I could have imagined. It's like he went from being interested to my past just disgusted him.
Like I disgusted him.
I tried not to let it get to me. But when you actually fall for someone....
It's hard.
Am I not pretty enough?
Am I not good enough?
A single lone tear escapes my eye.
"My son has an ant sized brain. Once he finds the rest of his brain cells, he'll realize what he had."
I looked over to see Bear is standing next to me, looking at his eldest son.
"Keep doing you. You're worth everything and more. So don't ever doubt yourself." He wraps his arm over my shoulder and kisses my temple like a father would. He lets go and starts to walk off.
"Hey dad?" I call out to Bear. Bear's like a father I never had. A father I always craved. He turns around and looks at me.
"Thank you. Thank you for treating me family." I mumble out to him.
"In my eyes you are family." He says with a smile. He walks off back towards Mama Kate. Mama Kate give me a warm heartfelt smile. I smile back just as bright as she had. I turn my attention back towards Kaiser. My heart sinks into the ground. I swear my soul shattered with it. A club whore is sitting on his lap and he is literally laughing away at whatever she is saying. I used to make him laugh like that, not anymore though. Tears have now escaped my eyes. I storm off through the backyard and into the clubhouse. I grab a bottle of whiskey from the bar and walk back into the backyard. I scoop up a solo cup and pour Dr. Pepper in it. I turn the bottle of whiskey up and take a long big gulp.
"Damn Tins." Ink's friend Gavin says a few feet from me.
"What, it's a party so I'm fucking drinking." I call out to him as I shrug my shoulders. I hold the bottle of whiskey out and jiggle it a bit. Gavin gets the hint because he comes over and snatches the bottle from me. I watch as Kaiser is staring at me. I give him the most deadliest glare I could muster. Kaiser looks taken back by my look. The bitch who was sitting on him isn't even in sight anymore. I turn my glaze else where. After a few drinks, my body and mind are numb. I feel absolutely nothing. I didn't care whose hand I grab, I just grabbed it. I pull the owner of this hand towards the crowd dancing. When I turn around I am staring back into the ocean sky.
"Nope! I need a new dance partner. This one is broken.. This one is well just no." I yell out. I see Gavin near us so I snatch his hand and walk further in the crowd. After a while of dancing with Gavin, my legs start to get wore out. So I take a seat at one of the tables that has my bottle of whiskey I claimed for myself earlier. I have half of it gone when it is rudely snatched out of my hands.
"Hey! I wasn't done with that!" I mumble.
"I think you drank enough Tins." I look up through my drunken state and see his eyes.
"Why do you give two shits. You don't fucking care. Go laugh and talk to the damn bimbo from earlier. And we'll go back to strangers." I snarl back.
"I. Do. Care." He says through clenched teeth.
"Yeah sure you do. You care so much that you fucking pretend I don't exist. That's some way of showing you bloody care." I snap back.
"No! Kaiser! You don't get to just suddenly want to just care. I'm nothing to you. You made it pretty fucking clear. Yeah, I hid my past, well some of it. You found out and have held it over my head since then. I'm bloody sorry okay? I'm human. I make mistakes. I fuck up. Just remember you're not perfect either but I still didn't disappear on you. I was still by your ass hat side. I can't believe I fucking fell in love with you. You're nothing but an asshole. A very hot and stupid one at that." I yell at him. I shove his chest as hard as I can muster and go to storm off but I notice the music had stopped and everyone has been watching our fight.
I turn around in every directions for a clear shot to get out of here. I don't care where I am heading all I know is I just had to get away from him. I had to get away from everyone looking at us.
Why did I have to yell that for?
Why did I tell him I fell in love with him for?!
Now he knows the truth.
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