Chapter 19

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By the time your reading this I will be gone, I’m sorry for everything that happened, you having to get involved with me and Jake, and everything. We had a good thing while it lasted. I understand it just wasn’t meant to be. I have asked the boys to fix your friendship or at least try so please do the same. I can’t bear to see you unhappy.

Goodbye Harry.


This skips time quite a bit!!

Chapter 19:

Laura's Pov:

I am now 19 and have a beautiful baby girl called Darcy, she is 1 and a half years old and the best child you could ask for. Harry doesn’t know he has a daughter and my family have disowned me and never met Darcy. The only family Darcy has in me, Eleanor, Louis and his family and they are all that matter. Darcy has inherited her brown curls from Harry and her dimples. One Direction are now huge now and everywhere you go you see something about them, or hear someone talking about them. Whenever Louis is asked about the baby he is pictured with sometimes he always says it’s a close friend of his families little girl, which I appreciate a lot because I have raised Darcy without Harry for nearly 2 years I don’t need him now, of course I still miss him loads and still love him but he’s moved on. Every week he seems to be pictured with another girl from a club, he’s been sleeping round ever since One Direction got really big and I can’t have that in Darcy’s life.

I was woken up by someone shaking my arm gently. I turned to my side and saw Darcy sat on the bed next to me.  Darcy was walking now and was a good climber, it’s Louis fault really for helping her to climb I found her one day climbing to reach the cookie jar. “Hey baby” I cooed picking her up and sitting her under the cover with me. “Mummy, Uncle Lou and Auntie El are here” she said. “Okay baby, tell them I will be out in a minute” I told her kissing her head. “Okay, love you mummy” she said and ran out the room after jumping of the bed, something Louis keeps teaching her to do, he really can be a bad influence. It’s not unusual to wake up and have either Lou or El or any of the Tomlinson’s in the flat as they have spare keys. I climbed out of bed and went to wash and do my teeth, putting on some leggings and a long jumper, slipping on my slippers and throwing my hair in a messy bun I walked out my room. I saw Eleanor sat on the sofa laughing and heard Darcy cute little giggle, I went and said hello to Eleanor and saw Louis on the floor like a horse and Darcy sitting on his back holding onto the back of his collar. I laughed and saw Eleanor take a picture, “good blackmailer” she laughed. I laughed along and sat next to her on the sofa. “Mummy, you’re up” Darcy said as soon as she saw me jumping off Louis back making him grunt as she accidently jumped on his hand and she bounced over to me. I bent down and picked her up sitting her on my lap, “Say sorry to Uncle Lou” I told her, “Why I didn’t do anything” she said looking through her curls. “Baby you jumped on his hand” I told her. She quickly rushed over to a now standing Louis hugging his leg apologizing, “I’m sorry Uncle Lou, pwease forgive me” she pleaded with watery eyes. Louis bent down to her, “its fine sweetie, Uncle Lou is a strong man” he said flexing his muscles. Darcy’s laughter filled the room and Louis pulled a face at her, “hey, I am strong” he said again as she continued to laugh, me and El now joining in. “Okay would I be able to do this if I wasn’t strong” he said quickly picking her up in his arms and spinning her above his head, and throwing her in the air slightly. Louis eventually sat down on the chair sitting Darcy on the sofa next to me. She crawled onto my lap wanting me to hold her on my lap which I did. “So why are you guys here” I asked them. “Lottie wants you to come to Doncaster for her birthday, she asked me to ask you, she and all the rest miss you and Darcy.” He asked me. “Of course I will, I miss them all too, and so does Darcy, don’t you baby.” Darcy nodded from my lap, bouncing a little, “Yayayayay granny Jay” she cheered.

*** 1 Week Later ***

Louis was already with his family in Doncaster and Eleanor was driving up with me and Darcy. She was sat in her seat in the back humming along to the radio when What Makes You Beautiful came on. She cheered, “Uncle Lou’s song” she said clapping her hands and singing along loudly. I pulled my phone out videoing her and sent it to Lou knowing he would like it.

Harry’s Pov:

Me and the boys were heading to Doncaster for Lottie’s, we knew she was having a party and we decided to surprise her, we were all sat in the car on the way up when we heard our song come on the radio.


Next Part! I hope you enjoyed it, please carry on voting and comenting you guys have been great lately thank you!!!!

Becky :)  xx

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