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Murdering the poor food in front of you as you sigh, thinking about your little brother and his perfect cooking. Sure, Reiji's foods are also on the next level, but your brother's are higher than that

It's been a day since that 'talk' with Reiji happened and he seems to eye you more than he does previously. The other brothers starts to suspect that there's something happened between you and Reiji but decided to shrugged it off because they 'don't care'

You acted like that talk never happened and you never asked him to date you which annoyed him to his nerves. You on the other hand, don't mind it

“You're wasting a sweet” you turn your head to look at Kanato who's frowning at you, his eyes were sharp and his eyebrows are meeting each other

“Kanato-san~” you fakely smiled at him even though he's glaring at you to death

He came closer to you and grabbed your wrist before pulling you away, you rolled your eyes in annoyance but you didn't stopped him too

“He better not suck my blood”

You thought, you also started to think that your father just sent you to here for these bastards to have a livestock. You swear to yourself that you'll hit your father's head with a table when you manage to survive and escape this place

You and Kanato entered a room, more like a museum. There's these wax figures inside, they are like human barbie dolls for they are pretty and looks alive

“They are pretty, aren't they?” you heard Kanato in your back, you hummed and nod as a response. He let you check and inspect the wax figures in your front

“You know, you're pretty too, Y/N. I only like beautiful and sweet things, i only know that you're beautiful but i'm still not sure if you're sweet” before you could process his words, you were already lying down on the floor with him on top of you

“Let me bite you so i could taste if you're sweet” he doesn't really need your consent because the word consent doesn't exist on their dictionary, when his lips met your neck, he wasted no time and bite your neck

You could only hissed in pain and pleasure in the same time, Vampire's bite could work as aphrodisiac too but it's all depends on them if they want to inflict pain or not

“I'm right, you're sweet as chocolate” he licked the blood on his lips before getting off of you, you stands up and covered your neck

4 out of the 6 brothers already bitten you and sucked your blood, there's still Ayato and Subaru, you could not really trust Ayato not to bite you when he's that arrogant and thinks highly of himself every time. You're not sure about Subaru on the other hand

“You beauty will fade away soon once you age older, your sweetness will turn bitter and i don't want that!” Kanato suddenly yelled and that made you confuse

“What's the problem of this bipolar mr. bean?”

You crossed your arm on your chest, still looking at him and not sure what you will do with him. You noticed that he's gripping his teddy on the neck like he's strangling it

Poor Teddy

“But i can stop that from happening. You can stay beautiful forever when you became a wax figure like them” he laugh as he pointed the wax figures, you look at those once again and you just noticed something

“Are.. are they a real person?” you asked as you look back at Kanato, he's still laughing maniacally but manage to nod his head

“Are you afraid, Y/N?” you heard him as you look at your feet, processing the fact that his wax figures are a real human

He stopped laughing and waiting for your reaction, he can't see you face because you were looking down. He's excited to see the terror on your eyes, that would make him happy

“Say Kanato-kun, Would... would you give me one of them?” he was taken a back when you looked at him with blush on your face and you were smiling sadistically

He surely didn't expect that reaction, all he was hoping was a scared and terror reaction from you. He stayed quiet for a moment so you decided to walk towards him

“They are so beautiful and intriguing, knowing that they are a real person just boosted my interest on them. I could display one on my apartment if you'll give me one” you held his cheeks and you look at his eyes

“Why are you happy? You should he afraid!” he hissed slapping your hands off of his face, you pout but not upset or what

“Why should i be afraid on beautiful things like these? I could even sleep hugging it” you touched one of the wax figures as you admire it, you also considered being one but you think about Rindou

“The dinner's ready. Go down, now” it was Reiji with his serious expression, he hates it when someone's late for meal

You happily walk towards Reiji, before you go with him you splashed a one last glance at the wax figures and in Kanato who's still stun on his place

“Good to know that you're still alive and didn't become a wax figure” you giggled at Reiji while you're both walking side by side

“I will be the most beautiful and mesmerizing when i become one. How about you take me to your room when i become a wax figure?” you teased him which he didn't mind at all

“I'll sell you if you become one” he walks faster, you just pout and start catching up on him

⋆ ─────────────────────  ⋆

A/N : not proofread nor edited. typographical qnd grammatical errors may occur.

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