Have you ever been in love with your best friend? Well, I certainly have. I'm the girl from the wrong side of the tracks. The girl who is an illegitimate child. The girl who is a bastard child. In other words, my mom was a club bunny. The girl who c...
Since the day Draven had walked out of my yard; I've literally ran into Draven almost every single day. Crazy how before he came barging towards my house, we rarely ran into each other.
Each time we happen to run into each other, I didn't have my children with me. Mom would have them. I just didn't want my secret out yet. I had to work up the courage to tell him. Yet, that chance was taken from me. I don't blame whoever told Draven because they had more guts than I did.
Now, whenever I run into him, he has this deadly glare that stops my already shattered heart. His eyes are so icy cold that it makes shivers run up my spine. Like I've been dropped off in the Artic. Today isn't any different and I can truly see what my mom had been talking about. Draven is cold-hearted, distant, mean, always glaring jerk. I never see him joke, laugh, or crack a smile like he use to growing up.
I walk into the small diner to grab the children some food. Mom and my grandparents have taken Eve and Blade to the toy store next door. I come over just to place our order, so when they were done spoiling my kids, everyone's food would be already done and out for us. This is my billionth attempt to try talk to Draven, to get him to hear me out. Even if it's my fault but still hear my reasonings. Draven notices me as soon I walk in the diner. I mean our eyes have locked in on each other for Pete's sake. His stony expression morphs into his usual hatred stare. A stare that looks as if he wants me to disappear.
Which I don't blame him one bit.
He quits talking to all the members of the club including, my brothers. Everyone follows his line of eyesight and sees me standing in the middle of the diner. Draven brusquely gets up from his seat and begins to walk my direction. I sidestep a little to the right to make room. I thought he was heading to pay for his food or something, but he's actually trying to make a beeline towards the side exit. This exit is to the right side of the diner. He doesn't want to be around me so he has decided to use the side exit?
I truly fucked up.
Before he could make it to the exit I come to my senses. I walk...
Well, jog a little. I grab ahold of his right arm. My touch stops him in his tracks. He turns to face me and I literally gulp. His stony cold stare that has a mixture of hatred is turned into a full hatred look.
"Get your fucking hand off me." He snarls in anger. I shake my head no, defying his wishes.
"MCKENZIE! LET GO OF MY FUCKING ARM NOW!" He shouts out. I flinch at the volume of his voice. The yelling takes me back a few years ago. The past that still haunts and torments me. Draven wouldn't hit me, would he?
No, he wouldn't.
"No!" I yell back just as loud.
"I won't ask again. Remove your bloody paws McKenzie!" He growls out.
"Draven. Please let me explain." I beg.
"Explain what? How you took off like a bitch? How you had my children? How you knew they were mine? For however fucking long McKenzie and didn't think I should know? How you weren't fucking going to even tell me. That when you died that was going to be the secret you bloody took to your goddamn grave? Is that what you want to tell me? Huh? I don't want to hear any of your bullshit lies that will come out of that goddamn mouth of yours. You're just a damn hypocrite, you got so pissed when you found out Bear wasn't your father. You mopped around for months yet you do the exact same thing and wasn't planning on telling me about my children? How could you?" He growls out harshly. I am too stunned to even move, to even answer.
"Why now Kenz? Why? Guilt? Is that it? Well take the fucking guilt you feel and shove it up your a....." Draven doesn't finish because Kaiser interrupts his President.
"Rear. Shove it up your rear."
Dawson and Dylan nod their heads towards the front door. We follow their line of sight I mentally facepalm myself. I was so stunned by what Draven was saying; I didn't even hear the doorbell chime when my babies walked in. Eve and Blade come walking in my direction just chattering away, not realizing the scene happening around them.
"I don't care what you have to say Kenz. Just pretend I don't exist like you have been for the last six years." He whispers in my ear. He shakes my hand off and storms out the side exit. I try not to cry. My tears are traitors and decide to fall against my wishes anyways.
"Mummy! Gramps got me a stuffed wolf. See?" Blade says waving his wolf around.
"Mummy! Mummy! Gramps got me a uniiiii-corn!" Everleigh squeals out.
"I see! Did you have fun?" I ask them as I try to mask the hurt in my voce.
"YES!" Both yell in unison.
"Let's go eat lunch, okay?" I say as calmly as I could. Both my children nod their heads and was about to walk back towards the table mom and my grandparents were sitting at. That was until they spot Kaiser in the other corner of the diner.
"Uncle Kai!" Everleigh squeals out.
"Unc Kai!" Blade screams at the same time as his sister. Before I could stop them. They are already running full speed to their uncles. By the time I get to them; Blade is sitting on Dawson while Everleigh is on top of Kaiser. I never seen Draven come back in and I am shocked when I come face to face with him at the table.
Didn't he leave?
"I'm so sorry! I didn't have their hand. Blade and Everleigh. Get off your uncles. They are trying to work. They'll see you in a bit. Come." I say motioning with my hand.
"But!" Both whine.
"Don't make me come across this table and get you." I warn as I'm trying not to crack a smile at them.
"You better get to your mom before I tickle the liquids out of you Eve." Kaiser laughs out causing Eve squeals.
"We'll take you on a ride when we get done. You have to listen to your mom, okay?" Dylan says. Both of them nod their heads up and down quickly. I swear they'd give their own self whiplash.
"Come, lets go eat. I got your favorite." I tell them. Blade gets placed on the ground by Dawson and head off to our table. Eve crawls across everyone's legs including Draven. All four men grunt out.
Ouch! That has to hurt!
"Everleigh!" I whine out.
"What mummy? I'm a princess and they are my walking stones." She rambles and takes off to our table. I turn around to face everyone including him. Each one has smiles except him.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for them to interrupt. Again, I'm sorry." I apologize to everyone. I turn on my heels to head towards my table.
"How has she not lost them to a stranger is beyond me." Kaiser grumbles out.
"They got their father's attitude." Dawson rambles. Draven kicks him in his shin. Except he kicks Dylan.
"Ouch! What the fuck dude?" Dylan groans in pain.
"She is a good mother though. I'll give her that." Draven whispers out.
Maybe, just maybe he's lightening up towards me.
I hope.
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