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20 QUESTIONS | DAY NINE"what's your problem, man?"

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"what's your problem, man?"

THE NEXT DAY, I woke up to a sleeping Dally. His face was squished onto the pillow and his arm was securely wrapped around me.

I sighed and got away from his grasp, walking over to the phone. I dialed my home number first.



"Yea, Nancy?"

"Yes, is Keith there?"

"No, try the Curtis's."

I hung up and then picked up the phone again, trying to dial a new number.

"Hello?" Ponyboy answered.

"Hi, it's Nancy. Can I speak to Two-Bit?"

"He just left– said he was going to Buck's to drink and see if Dal was there."

"Shit. Alright." I sighed slowly taking the phone from my ear.

"Wait— is something wr–"

I hung up, turning around to a now awake Dallas who was running his fingers through his hair.

He smirked once he saw me and stood up from the bed, walking over and wrapping his arms around me. "What's wrong babe?"

"Two-Bit is on his way to catch some drinks with you. I have to leave before he notices me here." I sighed, pulling away.

He nodded, "Alright, I will take you through the back door."

He grabbed my hand and led me downstairs, there was very little people there since it was around noon.

Once we got to the back door, Dally leaned down and gave me a slow long kiss. "I'll see you tonight? The thanksgiving dinner, I assume you are still gonna go even though Marc is tagging along."

"I will. But don't let him get to you, you dig?" I implied.

"Yes ma'am!" He smirked and I laughed, walking out.


I finished the last curl and added a little hair clip to the back of my hair. Sighing, I walked downstairs to a drinking Two-Bit.

"You ready yet, Nance? Only took ya five years." Two joked and I rolled my eyes with a small laugh.

On the way there, I was incredibly nervous. I couldn't really explain why, but there was something off with Marc. I know that he is really nice, but he just seems-

𝟐𝟎 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; dallas winstonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora