"As you know, there is a new face at the table today," she said motioning to me with her hand. "Make her feel at home children, I'm sure you all will love her,"

And with that the questions became flooding in. I heard a few "what's your name?"s "what's your peculiarity?"s, and a couple of people asked where I was from. Getting uncomfortable and not really liking all of the attention on me, I quickly went invisible, kind of hoping that they would forget I was there.

"Wow," I heard the what I figured was an invisible person say softly.

"Now children," Mrs.Peregrine stated sternly, "you're all clearly making her uncomfortable, eat your supper, so we can have a movie night,"

Apparently 'movie nights' didn't happen often because after she said that everyone began to eat. I slowly turned visible again and lifted my had to look at the plate with roasted carrots and chicken on it. To be honest it looked delicious, and I hadn't eaten a real meal in a while, this was due to a punishment that I had 'earned'. I began to eat and it was probably the best thing I'd ever eaten.

After they were excused from the table, a few of the peculiars went up the stairs to change into their pajamas. While Emma and I headed to one of the many living lounges that this house had, we made small talk about our peculiarities, though it was mainly her talking. We sat on the couch her to the far left, me on what would end up being the middle. A few minutes later I feel the couch sink down to my right and realize that it was probably the invisible person from earlier. As the rest of the peculiars fill in, I was beginning to get anxious. The little girl who I learned to be Claire asked to sit on my lap and I let her because I couldn't just say no to that adorable face. Adjusting Claire's weight to my left leg as Horace stood in behind the couch that I was on, fixing a projector monocle looking thing into his right eye. In front of us was a blank projector screen that suddenly projected Horace in what looked to be a room of mirrors, with a well tailored suit on, and a well dressed man to his left commenting on the suit.

"He mainly dreams about clothes," said the invisible person who I just now found out was a bow said, "some of his dreams are prophetic though,"

I looked to where the boys eyes would be and gave him a slight smile. Focusing back on the projector screen that was in front of me. Nothing interesting was happening until it showed an outfit of seemingly self formed clothes and me laying on grass in a clearing in the woods hugging each other whilst looking at the prominent stars above.

After the awkward situation of all the kids teasing the invisible boy named Millard and I, we all headed outside with gas masks for the reset.

I was curious as to why we needed gas masks but decided not to question it as I figured I would soon get my answer. We all headed outside and I decided to stand next to Millard who was now in his pajamas and not entirely naked.

"Look up," he whispered into my ear sending tingles up my spine.

I looked up as Mrs.Peregrine started to play a song. I counted about seven German planes flying above dropping bombs on this small island. One was soon dropping above the house. It was beautiful. It's as they say, there is beauty within chaos. Any other sane person would run or scream or give up on this situation, but this was beautiful to me. I knew the house would not be destroyed as a loop is meant to be perfect, but some aren't. Though this, in my opinion was perfect.

Taking off my gas mask and setting it with the others, I go to find Emma.

"I suppose your wondering where you will be sleeping?" She asks me.

I return that with a nod.

"Your room is next to Millard's, Mrs. Peregrine said she would talk to you in the morning as you've had a rough day," She said with some sorrow in her voice, "Millard will show you where your room is." And with that she walked away up the stairs after bidding me a goodnight.

Speaking of the devil, a pair of pajamas comes walking from a room that I have yet to visit with a tattered book resting under it's left sleeve.

"Excuse me, Millard?" I asked unsure.


"Mrs.Peregrine said that you would be showing me up to my room as it was next to yours,"

"Of course, miss..?" He said with a slight smirk in his voice.

"Iris," I said giving him a slight smile.

"Well, follow me miss Iris," he said taking my right hand and leading me up the slightly spiraling stairs.

Looking down to hide my dusted cheeks, staring at my feet as they walk up the stairs in an almost robotic motion.

We eventually made it up to what would be my room. He lifted up the hand hand that he was holding to his lift and left a soft kiss to the top.

"Until tomorrow, miss Iris," and with that he left to his room that was actually across the thin hall from mine.

I was blushing madly at this point. I had just met him, I thought before closing the door to my new room behind me, and taking in the sight that was in front of me. The walls were a pale yellow, with white trim. All of the furniture in the room was white with light grey accents. The comforter and pillows had a pink floral pattern on them. It was pretty. There was even a bookshelf with a couple of classics on its shelf. There was a large window next to the iron casted bed, with a small night table next to it, and on the other side of the window was a desk with a mirror. On the opposite wall to that was where the bookshelf, the dresser and the wardrobe resided. I loved it. My satchel was sat nicely on the foot of the bed. With a sigh I grab it and set it on the desk, taking out the clothing that I had in it and putting them in the wardrobe while taking out a white satin nightgown. I put the nightgowns on my bed and went back to my satchel. I grabbed Romeo and Juliet out of it and set that along with the 20 pence that I had left from the trip on my desk, and then soon after putting the money in one of the many desk drawers. I strapped the satchel on the back of the desk chair and went to the bed once again. I stripped once again, taking off my shoes first and then slipping off the dress delicately, setting it on my bed and then putting on the silk nightgown soon after. I put the pumps that I was wearing next to the dirty trainers that somehow made it into the room, and put the dress nearly next the clothes that I was wearing when I got here on the dresser, I didn't know who put them in here but I was thankful none the less. Deciding it was time to go to sleep, I walk over to my bed and get settled under the covers, once I was content I turned over to my left and switched of the lamp that was on my bedside table. Laying down on my back and staring at the white ceiling I take a deep breath, this was my new life, hopefully a better one, and with those words tumbling around in my tired head I finally went to sleep, heading into a wonderful world of dreams.

Ghosts - Millard NullingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang