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Osana stood outside of her house. She was waiting for taro. Sense they both lived next to each tether decided to stop and change.

Taro then came put.

"Osana not wearing a dress for once! Such a shocker!" Taro said faking a gasp putting his hand up to his mouth.

"Shut up you idiot! I don't wear dresses 24/7!" Osana said.

"Oh really?" Taro said.

"What ever let's just go! Ayano is probably waiting for me." She said as she started walking.

"I thought we were all going. Well I might ad well stay have fun on your guy's date!" Taro said shutting the door to his house.

"Wait Taro! Noooo! My wingman. I can't go with just me and ayano! I'm not ready!" Osana siad blushing.

Osana knew that ayano was only going to see Taro.

Osana started to walk.
"Oh she'll leave when she sees it just me!" She thought out loud.

A little kid with his mom looked at her.

"Mom was is that lady doing?" The boy said
His mom looked over.
Her face was shocked her jaw wide open.

Osana was yelling banging her head on a tree.

"Come on son we got to get away from this mental person!" She said picking up her son running.

Osana looked over at the running mom.

Her face went blank. She sniffed.

And started yelling at the mom not to get the wrong idea that she was a normal human.

But the mom kept running.

Osana sniffed.
"Ah what's wrong with me today! I'm just watching a movie with my crush...with no wing man and 3rd wheel....AHHH!" Osana said hitting her head with her hands.

She began to start walking again.

She reached the cinema. She took a deep breath.

This will be fine. She said as she entered in.

She saw ayano buying pop corn.

AWH SHES SO CUTE!! Osana thought to her self as she approached her.

"Ayano I'm so sorry taro couldn't make it." Osana said. She knew what would come next, ayano made it super noticeable that she liked taro. Osana knew she'd probably be ditched.

Ayano looked at her.
I did this only for taro but I can't leave her alone.

"Oh that's sad. Such a bummer. But we shouldn't let are tickets go to waste. Let's go see the movie yiu wanted to see!" Ayano said.

Ayano felt a little tingle in her heart.

"Okay then! Let's go!" Osana said with a smile.
She was happy she wasn't gonna get ditched. It happend with a lot of friends before.

Osana walked with ayano. They found their seats and sat down.

And they movie began.

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