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the impeccable timing of a peccable group of people


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Airports are not a nice place.

They have a weird sterile chill and annoyingly stupid people either on their way to Disneyland or their Great-Aunt's funeral. There is no in-between.

The fluorescent lights made Athena's chest feel tight and the specific texture of carpet against the sole of her shoes wasn't pleasant. The lines of people made her anxious and want to physically groan about her worries.

So gradually, Athena had gotten rather tired of Airports, and traveling in general. She had gone through TSA enough times to know quite a few employees personally, and has had the same flight attendants more than several instances. That made her a lot less timid.

This specific flight from The Gold Coast Airport to Heathrow stationed in London had been rather extraordinary in atrocious ways.

First it had started with Athena quite literally mistaking their flight for an hour earlier than it really was, which caused her to be waiting at the airport for an extra amount of time then she wanted to. Then it had been horrible turbulence, which Athena half-expected for the late November weather and the stupid amount of people traveling for the American holiday coming up, even though the obvious amount of people on plane truly had nothing to do with turbulence. And just to add on, this wasn't even their destination, she had to go onto an entire other flight just to get to an American airport.

And now her bag was being stolen by some British boy.

"You stole my bag." Athena defended, crossing their arms across their chest in a taunting gesture, "Give it back."

"I literally didn't!" He protested, deep brown hair in a humph over the scandal, "This is mine you f*cker!"

Athena gasped in an offended manner, "you little sh*t!"

If it wasn't for some other random British boy, Athena would've ripped the suitcase right out of his grimy little English hands.

"Toby, why are you arguing with an Australian," He complained, obviously wanting to settle this just as much as Athena, "They're like... the bottom of the food chain."

"Says the British person!" She threw her hands up, frustration growing, "Your queen is past expiration date!"

The Blonde only gasped, holding a hand to his chest dramatically, "You did not just speak ill of the motherf*cking queen!"

"I'm quite positive I did." They retorted, trying to get back to the point, "Now give me my bag."

The brunet of the two sighed, "It's literally mine! I don't know what else to tell you!"

"Alright then, do we really have to unload my entire wardrobe to figure this out?" Athena deadpanned, very much not wanting to unpack as much as she had stuffed into the baggage.

Toby replied with a frustrated sigh, turning to his friend in annoyance, "Tommy look, remember when Vee gave me that flower sticker because it reminded her of me?"

The blonde, Tommy (Athena assumed), peered into the distance for a moment and nodded, "Yeah, Vee gave you that."

"And I sure don't see any flower sticker on here!" Athena dramatically spun the suitcase around, making Toby's eyes widen in worry.

𝐒𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 , 𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨Where stories live. Discover now