Have you ever been in love with your best friend? Well, I certainly have. I'm the girl from the wrong side of the tracks. The girl who is an illegitimate child. The girl who is a bastard child. In other words, my mom was a club bunny. The girl who c...
Kaiser and the the younger twins' birthday is today. Draven wanted to do a party for all three. Which Kaiser even mentioned it as well. Kaiser wants theirs combined like always. Crazy how my older brother is fine with sharing his birthday and his party with his nephews. He doesn't mind all the childish decorations and cakes. He's been doing this for years now. When the twins and the rest of children go home with our parents.
Around 7ish every birthday.
When they leave is when his really party starts. There is no booze or inappropriate shit until the children leave. Kaiser doesn't want them around it and we prefer to not have our children around adult parties anyways. So it's a win win. Draven had ordered the ball pin, a huge inflatable water slide, a princess castle, and a normal bounce house. I've got the twins their own Harley cakes. Kaiser has his own Harry Potter cake. What can I say? It's his favorite. As funny as that may seem.
Mom's had all the food in their house. She bought so much fucking food. Like we're feeding a lot but not an army times ten. Tinsley and the girls got the decorations for it. Motorcycle themed. What can I say? They love their motorcycles like their brother, sister, uncles, papaws, and dad. We had the backyard set up yesterday, so all we had to do this morning was inflate everything.
Dad and Link have the grills up and running. The kids are all doing different things. When it's time to open their presents. Hunter and Mason got battery powered little motorcycles, race car tracks, race cars, a new game system with games. When Kaiser's started to open up his which was a lot. He ended up with a new helmet, new riding gear, some stuff for his truck. Kenna placed a blind over his eyes so he couldn't see. And Tinsley went around to the garage to roll out her present. All I know is Kaiser is going to shit his pants when he sees her's.
"Don't you dare trip me with any fallen logs." Kaiser yells.
"Shut up Kai. I'm your eyes. I won't make you trip over a log." Draven laughs out. Not even three seconds after his comment. You hear a thud.
"Ouch!" Kaiser screams.
"In my defense I didn't trip you. I just ran you into a tree. It wasn't there before." Draven counters. Pay back is a bitch Kai.
We round the clubhouse and see Tinsley standing beside his presents. She even put a fucking bow on them.
When his eyes are uncovered you could see his eyes nearly popping out of their sockets. There in the parking lot in front of Tinsley. An army green 1973 Dodge challenger with a black stripe across the car. Army green Tomahawk Motorcycle. It has white led lights under it. The wheels also have lights with it. You can never go wrong with a motorcycle. But the challenger is his dream car.
"Holy shit. I think I shit my pants!"
I told you he would!
What the fuck Kai!
Everyone burst into laughter.
"I call a ride with Unc Kai!" Both Everleigh and Blade yell.
"We want to ride with Unc Kai first." Hunter yells.
"It's our birthday!" Mason whines.
"I'll give you two a ride later. Right now is the other twins' birthday. So, they'll be the first to ride."
Draven walks around the house with Hunter and Mason's helmets. They squeal and put their helmets on. Hunter puts on his Creed Half Pint 4.0 leather jacket on and helmet. While Mason puts on his Creed Half Pint 5.0 jacket on and his helmet. What can I say? Everleigh and Blade have the Creed Half Pint 1.0 and 2.0 while Draven Jr has Creed Half Pint 3.0. It's only fitting they have their own custom jacket and helmets. Kaiser picks up Hunter first than picks up Mason. He hops on behind the boys and slowly drive to the back of the house. We hear our kids squealing and laughing. When they come back around. I swear the words that come out of my children's mouths make me want to punch Kaiser in his teeth.
"Mummy! Mummy! Unc Kai did a wheelie!!!"
"It was so much fun!!"
"Kaiser Lee Archer!! You're so dead!" I yell out as I watch my eldest brother high tail it away from us with a devilish smirk. So things will never change.
Link and Jolene decided they'd take the kids this year. Once all the children were gone. The real party began! It was two hours into the party. Mom, Dad, Kaiser, and, I froze when we rounded the front of the house. Tinsley looked confused.
"Annabelle!" Mom and Dad yell out.
"Clarissa!" Kai and I yell out.
Tinsley's solo cup hit the ground.
"How do you know Annabelle?" Both our parents yell.
"Kaiser's donor egg that ran away."
"She's Knuckle's wife!"
They both yell out.
Dawson and Dylan round the corner from the commotion.
"What the fuck are you doing here!?" They growl out.
"We... we need protection."
"Out. Out. Get. Out!" Dylan yells.
The end. Until the next book. (:
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