"Take a look."

Taehyung went on Weibo and found that numerous people had sent him apology letters. They tagged not only him but his fans as well, causing quite a commotion. When he clicked in, he discovered that though the style of the apology letters was different, the content was similar. All of them apologized for their rudeness the previous day and begged for his understanding.

As some people had been blocked by him, they even created new accounts to repost the same apology after using their main accounts to apologize. They tagged him enthusiastically, as if deeply afraid that he would not see it.

What was most interesting was that all of the apologies were sent between 8 pm and 8.05 pm.

After the public discovered the apology letters, many had a burning question: just what in the world had those people experienced?

Taehyung was similarly curious about what they had gone through.

However, those people avoided answering this question and merely continued to beseech Taehyung's understanding.

"Jungkook, did you do this?" Taehyung probed.

Jungkook replied with a question of his own. "Still angry?"

"Over what? They're not worth my anger... what exactly did you do to them?"

"It's not me, it's my mom. She doxed all of them and used the force of her own to beat them at their own game."

"Auntie is really... incredible." Taehyung was somewhat struck after hearing this. Then, he asked, "How did she dox them?"

"She spent money to hire some people."

Taehyung exhaled in deep appreciation, "It's good to be rich."

"Have my mom ever told you about her catchphrase?"


"Money cannot fix all problems but it can fix 99 percent of them."

Taehyung was awed. "I'm going to kneel to her."

Jungkook gave a low chuckle. "You can kneel when serving her tea as her son-in-law."


The collective apologies from the haters were highly intimidating. Those people were unwilling to reveal what happened to them and without much information, there was too much room for people's imagination to run wild. In people's eyes, Taehyung became a mysterious boy with a powerful background. The more this spread, the more exaggerated it became. Everyone was deeply afraid and no longer had the guts to scold him. After all, those internet haters were only venting and not actively seeking trouble. Forget it, they would switch their target instead.

On Monday, Jungkook flew back to Seoul with the ice hockey team to prepare for the competition the next day.

As for Taehyung, he stayed in school and received an unexpected guest.

It was Yukhei's mother, a lady whom he had a deep impression of.

Once again, Woohee went to look for him at the training hall. It was the same old process all over again.

But this time, Woohee looked more worn out and her face was thinner as well. Her features were originally dour enough. Now that there was lesser fat on her face, her protruding bones magnified this impression.

Taehyung could not guess what Woohee was up to. His face was calm and collected as he looked at the lady in front of him. "Hello, auntie."

"Taehyung, I'm here to apologize. Regarding what happened previously... I'm sorry. My words were a little over the top..." When Woohee said this, her expression was a little awkward. Her facial muscles twitched as she seemingly wanted to smile. However, she looked extremely uncomfortable as she was not used to doing so.

Even Taehyung felt twitchy on Woohee's behalf as he watched her. "It's been so long. Let's forget about it... but auntie, have you never apologized to Yukhei before?"

Woohee stared blankly for a moment. "Ah?"

"It seems obvious that you're someone who wouldn't apologize to a child. You look like you're about to cry when apologizing."

Surprisingly, Woohee did not flare up at Taehyung's words. Instead, she said, "Taehyung, incoming today, I want to ask you for a favor."

"What is it?"

"Could you..." Woohee's eyes reddened suddenly. "Could you go take a look at Yukhei?"

Taehyung was startled. "Yukhei, he... what's wrong with him?"

"I found him taking this." As Woohee spoke, she fished out a small medicine box from her bag and passed it to Taehyung.

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