"Are you sure you need all of this stuff I thought you only came for dippers?" Chase asked as we were trying to find the others. "Yes I need all of this stuff what if it's not here when I come the next time." I said as I spotted Everest and Jaxon.

"I'm just saying it's a lot." He said motioning towards the cart. I mean the cart is full but like I said I don't know if the bathing suit is going to be here the next time I come so what not get it now you know.

"Finally we've been looking for you guys!" Wyatt said as we all came together. "We've been in the same spot for two hours!" Jaxon said. "We have not!" Everest exclaimed. "Can we just go already my feet hurt!" Chase said.

"Y'all are baby's real baby's Memphis isn't even complaining and here yall are whining!" Everest said as we made our way to the checkout.

"He gets to set down!" Chase said throwing his hands up. "Well next time y'all can just set in the car." I said putting my stuff on the conveyor belt.

"Your total will be $142.52." The cashier said. I put my card in the little card machine amd typed in my code. When it pinged I took it out and put it back in my wallet. "Here's you receipt and have a nice day!" I smiled at her and took my receipt.

"I still think this stuff is unnecessary." Chase said as we were walking to the direction of the car.
"I still think it's very necessary." I said back with a little attitude.


"Ok wow I did not think you got this much stuff!" Everest said out of breath. "I think chase was right you do not need all this stuff." She said laying on the kitchen floor on her back. "Hey! This stuff is all valuable ok!" I said taking Memphis out of his car seat and putting him in his high chair.

"You don't think mama got to much stuff do you?" I asked him.

He shook his head no. "See I didn't buy that much stuff now I need to put it all away." I said turning around with my hands on my hips. "And that's me cue to go I love you meme." She said getting up and giving Memphis a kiss on the head. He smiled at her. "What about me?" I said. "I love you to river." She said giving me a hug. "I love you to." I returned the hug.

"Oh and river you and chase look good together!" She said in her way out of the door she shut it before I could respond.


It's like two hours later and I'm just setting on the couch breastfeeding Memphis.


Everest is calling me.


"Ok so there's this party tonight and your going!" She said right away. "I'm not going you know I have Memphis and I don't really do party's." I said to her. "Yes you are and I have a babysitter"
She sounds excited.

"Who's the babysitter?"

"You know how my grandma lives like five minutes away she said that she could watch him." She said. "I don't know Ev?" I mean it might be fun.

"Come on river you never get out that much it'll be funn just this one night!" Im thinking about it I don't really do college kid stuff not because of Memphis it's just because I don't want to you know.

"Ok I'll go." I said putting my phone on speaker so I can fix my shirt and bring Memphis to his nursery.

"YAYYYY!! Ok I'm so excited I'll be there in five minutes!" She only lives on the floor below us.


I'm walking into the first party I've been to since I found out I was pregnant.

And let me tell you it is exactly what i thought it was going to be.

Dancing sweating body's all around. People hooking up. No literally I walked in and there right there a couple on the first couch I saw getting Jiggy with it. It smells like weed and alcohol.

None the less I feel excited. I also feel hot Ev got me in a black mini dress my hairs down and wavy. And I got high heels on to. I'm towering over a lot of people but I like it.

"Ok so we can get drinks and then find the boys." Ev said leading us to the table. "What boys?" I didn't know we were meeting boys. "You know Wyatt Parker Jaxon oh and Chase." She told me.
"Oh their all here?" I said as we got to the drink table. Yep they are!"

I keep having to pull my dress down and when I do that then I have to pull it up but it's fine because I came here to have a good night.

"Can I get four straight tequila shots please?" Everest asked the girls who was making drinks.
"I can't have alcohol." I said over the loud music.
"Well more for me then!"

"Here you go. Oh and nice to see you back river." She said with a little smile. "It's nice to see you to!" I said. I recognized her we were partners for a project before I left.

Everest took the shots. She knocked them back one by one then squeezed a lime in her mouth.

"Woow ok let's dance!" She said dragging me to the dance floor. "What about the boys?" I said getting pulled behind. "They can wait!"

Once we got to the dance floor CHXSE by Chase Atlantic started to play.

Dancing is so much fun. Especially when you can and nobody will remember so you can be as bad as you are or as good as you are. It doesn't matter.


I'm setting on a couch in the back of the house. It's kinda like a game room I don't know.

Ev is to my left setting on the arm of the couch leaning on me. Chase is to my left and Parker is by him. And Wyatt and Jaxon are on the love seat in front of us.

"Ok ok I got it why don't we just drop out of college and start a pool cleaning Company?" Wyatt said. The party's kinda died down now but there's still people here.

"I think that is a great idea." Chase agreed nodding his head.

"Yea it is." Jaxon agreed. Parker also nodding his head agreeing.

"I can be the secretary!" Ev said pointing her finger up.

"This is a terrible idea y'all are all drunk out of your minds." I said while laughing. "What it's so genius!" Chase said from beside me.

"I want subway?" Ev said voiceing her thoughts moving to set by Wyatt laying her head on his shoulder.

"Can we get subway!" Chase asked me looking over.

"Why are you asking me?" I asked him turning over to look at him. "Well your the only one not drunk so you can drive." He explained to me.


We ended up getting subway. I didn't know they stayed open this late.

"Ok I can't eat any more!" Everest said.

"Me either!" All the guys said at once. And when they did they all started laughing.

I don't know how I'm going to get them in the car and to bed.

It's going to be a long night.


I hope you like this chapter.

My dog peed on my floor when I was writing this.
I cleaned it up tho. 

Vote,comment etc.


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