⚠️Ch 23: Wedding From Hell

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⚠️Chapter contains violence⚠️

It's been a little while now since I've recovered from that horrid incident. Vipers women that they rescued most actually work at our clubhouse, at the bar, or any business the club owns; the ones that don't were able to leave and go where ever. Draven given the few that wanted away from this state money to move. Wiz set them up with new identities, passports, and anything else to keep them under the radar. I just hope where ever they go, that they are safe and truly make it out there.

Stiletto and Sunshine stayed here, they were the Vipers club bunnies slash strippers. Here they didn't want to be associated with either. So Draven has them clean the clubhouse up and cook with all the ladies here. They quickly have became all of us girls' long lost best friends. I swear, I think we're becoming match makers. Sunshine has a crush on Wiz and Stiletto has a thing for Gunner. However, Gunner isn't even glancing Stiletto's way. He's had a horrible break up years ago and still hasn't quite moved on. It is understandable to a point. But, just like the rest of the guys, he needs to open his eyes and find his happiness. Wiz is oblivious to even know Sunshine likes him. I mean I don't understand how he is so oblivious to it. Her hints aren't that subtle, like she flirts with only him, she always has conversations with him. I mean she talks to everyone here but her conversations with Wiz can go on for hours and hours. She watches him work his magic when he's fishing around on the computer. She even watches how he fixes all his gadgets' glitches. Like come on, it's completely obvious that she likes him and he's just that space brain who can't figure it out. I swear if they don't open their eyes and see what is directly in front of them; I'm afraid they'll miss out being truly happy.

It has been quiet at The Vipers. They have not retaliated yet. Blade, Everleigh, and Draven's birthday is today so, the entire club is trying to keep their surprise birthday party a secret. All the decorations were shipped to the clubhouse, under my mom's name. The cake for the three was ordered in Sunshine's name. My parents' house has all the food for their birthday cookout. Kasey has all the alcohol in her room, hidden from everyone. Dad had shirts made for those three as well. Honestly, I can't wait to see what he has designed now. Kaiser has taken those three out, so we all can decorate and get most of it set up before they come out in the clubhouse's backyard. When Kaiser gets back with them, he whispers something in Draven's ear. Draven takes the kids into his room. I decided to walk in and give them their shirts to put on. Draven helps with Blade while I help with Everleigh. When those three put their shirts on I lost it. Draven's says Creed on the back. Everleigh's says Creed Pint 1.0 while Blade's says Creed Pint 2.0. Draven doesn't get why I am laughing so hard. He just quirks his brow up with a 'what' expression. I notion for them to turn back around so I can see the back of their shirts again. I pull my phone out and take a picture of the back of their shirts and show him. He starts to shake his head and grabs both our children's hands and walks out the door. All I can do is seriously laugh. Kaiser, Dawson, and Dylan all run up behind them when they make it into the entrance to the main room. They quickly use their hands to cover their eyes.

"I swear to everything unholy Kaiser, if you walk me into a damned wall I will shove my foot so far up...." Draven threatens.

"Chill bro! I'm your eyes." Kaiser laughs out. Not long after he says this you hear a loud thud.


"Kaiser!" Draven grunts out.

"That was the door so hypothetically I didn't run you into a wall." Kaiser says while shrugging his shoulders like Draven could see.

When we get to the back porch, they uncover their eyes. All the club members bikes are lined up from the stairs on both sides. There's a small walkway for us to walk down. All the tables are set up for food and music is blaring in the background. Draven and our kids have the brightest smiles on their faces. We all start to eat and they start to open up all their presents. After a while Draven comes over to me with a small box in his hands.

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