Jenn is about to fly to Hong Kong

Start from the beginning

Since their house was the collateral to their recovered money, Jenn didn’t know where to find Ryan. And he thought of the taller, where Ryan was working, he went there and he saw Ryan again, even though it wasn’t speaking but, it was obvious in his actions that he was having a hard time and getting tired. Jenn sat up, watching Ryan in his agony.

Jenn was just crying because she didn't know what to do to help Ryan. Because whatever they both do is not enough for Ryan's parents to pay. As she watched Ryan Laiza suddenly arrived,

"Mosta? Are you happy to see Ryan struggling? Because of the love you have Ryan is suffering now, and how much will you torture him when Ryan's strength is exhausted and he can no longer work?"

Laiza said, Jenn stood up and she would have slapped Laiza but she couldn't because Laiza caught her hand and forcibly lowered it.

"Laiza, stop Ryan and me first, we love each other why can't you accept that you are not the one he loves."

And Jenn cries as she tells Laiza.

"Aren't you wondering? Why isn't Ryan at your graduation ceremony?"

Because Ryan is just that taller and maybe even that doesn't want him to be fired. And you can watch Ryan begging on the street? If you really love Ryan , you can't bear to see him struggle. Because you know what Ryan used to be. Ryan doesn't know anything about the taller job but he does because that's the only reason they can buy their food and for his daddy's medicine

" And Jenn couldn't speak anymore, because Laiza had left her. Jenn couldn't hold back her tears, and she was crying because even though what Laiza told her was painful it was all right. How about Ryan and his parents now, because they have nothing and he can't give Ryan anything but his love.

Jenn left, and she no longer showed up to Ryan because she had to think about what she should do. Because Ryan was having a hard time now, he came to their house. He finds Alissa and Lito preparing for the celebration of his graduation.

Jenn's parents are happy because their long -held dream of Jenn has come true, so the fun is obvious to them. But Jenn, her mind is confused but she doesn't want to let her parents know what really happened to them and Ryan.

"You came, son; where is Ryan and why aren't you with him?"

Alissa said,

"She's next! I'll just get dressed first,"

And went inside his room sbefore she left, Jenn looked at her laptop again, and didn't hesitate and applied. It doesn't matter if he is accepted or not, it is important for him to leave the Philippines. Because now back everything Laiza said to her, and everything she said was true.

If Jenn hadn’t just chosen Ryan Ryan might have a good life now and he isn’t suffering now. Although her decision hurt Jenn, but it was the only way for Ryan's life to be good again. Because Jenn can’t afford to watch Ryan have a hard time, and the word love isn’t enough when you know the person you love is having a hard time.

Ryan knew nothing of Jenn's plan, but his decision was complete, and three days later Jenn would know what the status of her application was. Jenn doesn't care about her plan to leave the country, even though Jenn's parents don't know.

Chapter: 34

Three days later, Jenn found out the result of her job application in Hong Kong, Jenn did not want to leave because it hurt her to pretend that she no longer loved Ryan. And a telegram came for her, Jenn read the contents of the letter, and there she found out that she was acceptable and needed him as soon as possible. Hong Kong needs him, because he is qualified for the job he applied for.

( My Lover's Dream)I will despise everything for the person I loveWhere stories live. Discover now